Stupid Bitch Syndrome

So, you and your boyfriend decide to bone openly in the woods, and when accosted by a pack of city-folk hatin' backwoods retards with guns, who imply that they basically want to rape you, you later tell your boyfriend to get rid of the bullets to your only means of protection because you've experienced enough "loss."

Anyone who writes characters this dumb should be eliminated with extreme prejudice.

Max Dropout


I personally had hoped that this type of 'horror' movie was going the way of the doe doe bird; I first thought that ten years ago and it still persists. That the movie takes shots at 'hillbillies' and 'god' is nothing new believe it or not but that someone still is making these films is, well, a total waste of time. In mid 70s when people still went to drive-in theaters, this is the type and style of 'horror' movie you'd expect. I checked the calander and it says 2010 but you wouldn't know it. The only thing is missing is some blonde bimbo with 38dd's that will come in after someone dies (usually her best friend or so she says) and then decide that instead of running for her life, she must take a shower. When she gets out of said shower is usually when people start their cars and leave. This movie is very predictable, lame and stupid. I let someone else watch it so I could see if there was anything, well, different. NOPE! I thought some of the 'horror' movies in the eighties was bad, it only has gotten WORSE! The EXORSIST is still the best! *beep* the rest!


1) I think the minute the hillbillies showed up and asked if they could take a crack at my hot girlfriend, all while toting guns, I would have just gone home. At that point, the majesty of the forest is pretty much dead.

2) So, the first time you try to bone, you get busted by said hillbillies. Again, I think screwing in a tent in a forest inhabited by Deliverance folk would be low on my list of *beep* to do.

3) Boy, is this guy a commitment-phobe or what? I understand you don't want to get married, but when someone has a gun trained on both you and your girlfriend, and is saying they will kill you both if you don't tie the knot, I think your principles should fly south, IMMEDIATELY. Instead, this guy acts like they're forcing him to cut off his own fingers.

4) Again, when they're trying to get the guy to sire their child, under threat of death and torture, he gets all righteous again. I think I'd just screw her at that point.

I'm really tired of the whole "rednecks are bad" formula. Picking on Christians and hill folk seems to be the last true bastion of bigotry and people are getting their fill while they can. If we're not picking on white suburbia, we're picking on rural whites. It's kind of disturbing.

That said, a lot of 80s horror was way more sophisticated than this. Here, they take poorly formed characters who are there just for the sake of torturing, and drop them into a half-ass cliche-ridden story.

In the 80s, movies in this vein seemed to at least try to give you characters who were funny, or charming, or likable. Horror movies were almost always a vague hybrid of Porky's style comedy and characters vs. the man in the mask. It usually worked, but not always.

This doesn't even come remotely close to capturing the spirit or even quality of 70s or 80s drive in fodder. This is just bad. Period. Horror has deteriorated rather than regressed.

Max Dropout


max_dropout, you said a mouthful here and you're right on all counts.

Tolerance Is Intolerant Of Politically Incorrect Thought...🇺🇸


I realize you wrote this a year ago (!) but I first just saw the movie the other day and saw your post. :)

Oh please, this film was full of moments where I said to myself, "these are the dumbest two people in America." They made the religious nuts/hillbillies look intelligent by comparison!

If my BF and I were trekking (well, to be honest, you couldn't pay me to hike, esp. in the frickin backwoods, but that's besides the point! hehe) into unknown territory, by all means, I am going to completely ignore the Sheriff and do EXACTLY what he TELLS us NOT to do, and then I am going to lay on the dirty ground and start having sex with my BF two seconds after I start hiking on a trail I know nothing about in a remote area I shouldn't be in just after seeing a middle aged, chaste, conservative lady (except that Sabrina the Teenage Witch's Aunt isn't so conservative!). Then, when my BF shows me he has protection, I am going to tell him to get rid of it. Then after we survive a bunch of idiots and have to drink moonshine, I am going to CONTINUE going on the hike in the middle of nowhere on the path I was told NOT to go on and then get completely naked without my BF in a lake in the middle of nowhere. Then when I am captured and told I need to make a baby for some loons, I am going to keep vital information to myself (I'm already preggers!), and wait till they chop off my fingers and beat the living daylights out of my BF and continue to allow him to suffer.



I think this is an excursion into a netherworld of stupidity. It's a new low. I think it's a really insulting movie. There are plenty of horror films that feature smart characters. As a horror fan, I LOVE when someone does everything RIGHT but still just cannot seem to get a break. It's far more relateable. I don't think this film was campy or even intended to be. I just think it's a bad script.

Max Dropout


Early in the movie when they showed his gun in the backpack I thought:

"FINALLY, a movie where the people are actually SMART and think about defending themselves, taking advantage of what should be everyone's God given right to self defense"

Then the stupid chick opens her mouth with that liberal anti-gun crap.

I was hoping this would be one of the few movies where the victims are smart/prepared.


And also what if a bear or a mountain lion tried to attack them... A gun would be a great thing to have for protection!
