
why does the cow have a guys voice?


Thats a freakin good question lol.


The animators for some reason decided to draw all of the bovine as cows which are the girls, hince the udders.


Were they stupid?


Probably so...Since the show is stupid.


I always wondered about that too. Otis is supposed to be a male cow, which is a bull, yet he is drawn as a female cow with working utters. Is he supposed to be some kind of post transgender surgery freak?


It's probably just a play on how the stereotypical cartoon cows always have udders, no matter what the gender, and just going with it. And that's the joke. Nothing serious, I hope.


There is NO such thing as a male cow. They are bulls. Females cattle are cows when they have calves and heifers when they don't. It isn't even about the udders, it's about the entire notion of a male cow and it's so stupid I can't get past it.


I'm glad to know I'm not the only one that is confused by the udders. It annoys the poop out of me.


Technically I think there is no such thing as a male duck and we should be watching cartoons with Donald Drake and Daffy Drake.


A castrated male bovine is a steer; an intact male bovine is a bull. There are definitely male cows.

I always liked the way a scraped knee looks on a girl. - Mrs. Harker
