Great cartoon mysteries

I was inspired to make this post after viewing several pages on IMDB. I was just on the site for the new Ice Age sequel, and about every other post was, " Why are there dinosaurs with mammals in this movie?' As we know on this site, a lot of posts are"Why does Otis have udders?"
Got me to thinking of all the great cartoon mysteries of all times, and I thought it would be fun to list as many as possible.Here's a few to start off with.

1) What twist of evolution made Goofy the dog Mickey Mouse's friend, and Pluto the dog his pet.
2) Why do so many cartoon animals ( Porky Pig, Donald Duck, ect) feel the need to clothe their upper bodies, yet are fine wearing no pants?

Let's hear some more.


Why are they all out of their own habitat?

Shouldn't a Pig (Porky Pig) be in the farm and a duck (Donald Duck) be in the pond?

"whatever man, i love street fighter go kill urself!"



Why does Bugs Bunny wear only white gloves? Are carrots that messy?

I asked the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.
