Wish it had Subtitles

I honestly didn't understand much of what they were saying, especially Plan B. :( Good movie though!


This movie gave me a headache trying to understand what the heck they were saying. I had to stop watching it - thats how bad it was.


I understood every word.

I don't think you missed much. I think even with the sound completely off it's just as watchable/unwatchable.

As a "remake" of the series it was crap, but on it's own merits as a cop film it was still crap. More tits in the original Sweeney films too.


<I honestly didn't understand much of what they were saying, especially Plan B. :( Good movie though!

My DVD has English SDH. (subtitled for the deaf and hard-of-hearing)

Simply go to the set-up menu and click on 'English SDH'. Click on 'resume' and you're in business.


i understood them fine, but still the movie's a waste. you're better off eating your own face.

"well, stranger. we're feeding them strangers."


Agreed. Fortunately, there wasn't much of a plot to miss. I kept telling my wife, " I didn't understand a word he said" she - " me either".


classic mumbled lines with reduced vocal sound level with the background effect/music level on very high, balance set way over to bass.
