My cyborg theory

The most logical explanation of the movie is that La Femme was a cyborg all the time. That's how she was able to singlehanded take care of every cop that got into the house. When she got out of the closet (no pun intended) near the end after getting burnt, you can clearly see how she looks cyborg and that's the reason she could go on interacting despite her injuries. This is also explained by Sarah when telling her "they said noone survived". That means La Femme did indeed die in the car accident, but was revived into a cyborg in a French government experiment.
This cyborg was meant to become a new weapon against the ongoing suburban riots. However, the human part within her was what made the cyborg experiment to eventually backfire. Some of her stronger human feelings were still present and she got obsessed with stalking Sarah and taking over her baby.


This is a joke post right? Has to be. Why would a cyborg need to smoke cigarettes?


I love this :D It can also be supported by her sudden outbursts of emotions when she gets hurt etc. Her human side is trying to come out.

The smoking part is because she is trying to communicate with her human part, trying not to forget it.

Very creative reading of the movie. Although this is not my primary view of the film, it certainly is a fun one.

"They said there were no survivors" line was probably put in sloppily. There are no explanations for that and the script is nowhere near perfect nor the filmmaking in general when this movie is concerned. So I shrug it off as a mistake.


So this robot has lungs and is able to breath in with them? Interesting. The no survivors thing is explained by the beginning of the line 'they said...', clearly the doctors or cops or whoever were wrong.

I mean i'm up for interpretations and new ideas, but you can't just throw out anything you want because it works for ONE scene. If it makes 1% make sense but 99% not, then it's pretty obvious it can be put to bed as incorrect...

"What? Do you wanna just sit around and be wrong?" - Liz Lemon


And the main character's name is Sarah....Clearly a Terminator reference! :P

This is me.
