Trying too hard

This film is unwatchable. I'm a fan of the cast, the concept is interesting, and it's well-shot, but it tries so hard to be cool, quirky, Tarantino-esque, funny, etc. it's painful. It's all macho-posturing fantasy and none of it is convincing in the slightest.


I don't get it.
Maybe you were watching a different film


Of course he's right. This film is the same cliche hitman movie. Guy falls in love with hooker with a heart. Then ends up being killed by the end saving hooker with heart as if getting some kind of redemption.

Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.


i cannot disagree with any of the critics for this movie, but i just liked it. i guess korean assassin melodrama cliches are my guilty pleasure:D

