MovieChat Forums > Sharkwater (2007) Discussion > SHARKWATER: CANADIAN RELEASE THIS FRIDAY


SHARKWATER is hitting Canadian Theaters this Friday March 23rd.

Check for showtimes and theaters near you. I am so excited for this movie... I comiled a list of posts from Rotten Tomato, Ain't it Cool, efilmcritic and myspace and such to give you all an idea of how wicked this film is...

I know, I know... but this film is important.

"Amazing film! Couldnt' have imagined a story like that when I got into the film. Never seen such an inspirational documentary. A++++++

The most beautiful film I've ever seen. The world hasn't seen images like this before! Move over March of the Penguins!

Like an Inconvenient truth, you need to see this film! If you care about future generations, this film is a must see. 5*'s .

Sharkwater is the most intense documentary ever! The coolest soundtrack I’ve heard. Sceptical going into it, but it turned out great.

Rob Stewart's gift for story-telling rivals that of the best, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats as he fights to protect the world's sharks and save all of humanity. Two thumbs up!

The brilliant cinematography and uncompromisingly beautiful score took me from tears to white knuckle anxiety. Sharkwater is a stunning masterpiece!

All of humanity should see this will definitely change the way you see the oceans!

Through his courage and bravery, the director exposes the underworld of the billion dollar illegal shark fishing industry. He is a fearless and inspirational player on the world stage. Praise!

Anyone who can get this close to sharks is very special – Rob Stewart is one of kind and so is his movie. Everyone MUST SEE this spell-binding documentary. It rocks!

Rob Stewart is the coolest person in conservation. His compassion and love of sharks are evident in his break-out motion picture. Here comes the next Jacques Cousteau.

If you love animals, you have to see this film!!! View sharks in all their majesty and discover their plight in world's oceans today..... Sharkwater will go down in history!

An accomplished debut film that has everybody talking! The buzz surrounding Rob Stewart and Sharkwater is phenomenal!

One of the most breath-taking films I’ve ever seen!

The film seems to be doing well! Easy to see why – a totally different genre of film. Quite unique!

Sharkwater challenges our perception of the world around us. An unforgettable film of devestating beauty!

Beautiful yet sad, a rare film like this comes along once in a lifetime.

Super cool! Can’t wait to see how this film does!

I’ve never seen a blend of beauty and destruction like this before. SEE THIS MOVIE!"



It's playing in 6 theatres in Toronto, including some of the bigger ones:

I'm definitely going to see it... I saw a mention of it on the local CP24 news channel and it looked very interesting (though the blonde lady who interviewed him was not the right person for the job).

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