MovieChat Forums > Sharkwater (2007) Discussion > Excellent film for shark and nature love...

Excellent film for shark and nature lovers

If you ever dove and seen sharks in their natural habitat, you will appreciate this film even more. This film should be shown in schools and to politicians alike,as the only way to stop the exploitation of these beautiful creatures is to get the ear of the politicians,and teach the younger generations that sharks are vital to the oceans health,and not the blood thirsty eating machines they are made out to be.

sharks are one of the oldest species on earth right along side crocodiles, and it would be a huge loss to all mankind if these fish were to disappear.

I personally have been fortunate enough to have dove with alot of different species of sharks all over the world, and to experience these top predators in the wild is the ultimate "kick". They are so graceful and surprisingly timid of humans,as their natural diet contrary to popular beliefs is NOT humans.

I would encourage everyone to either go see them in the wild,or at least take the time to learn about these fantastic animals.
