MovieChat Forums > Sharkwater (2007) Discussion > Should be ROB SAVES THE SHARKS!


I really liked the movie, but felt there was too much Rob in it.

I'm willing to bet there were more shots of Rob than there were of the sharks.

Some of the film felt like he was doing a model shoot. I don't remember Jack Cousto striking any J.CREW poses.

He's good looking -- we get it.

His Speedo matches his long fins -- we get it.

But why the long hospital shots, and the macho pulling of the IV from his arm?

And the contrived shots of him starring off camera in deep thought?

These are stock SURVIVOR clichés.

Also, having grown up in "the OC" with the prerequisite surfer twang, Rob's narration gave me Jeff Spicoli flashbacks. Maybe he should have thrown back a few RED BULLs before hitting the mic.

And one disingenuous part, was having Erich Ritter interviewed in the section about how sharks don't really kill that many people, and yet make no mention that a Bull shark ripped his calve off -- on film!

But even with the threads of ego woven throughout, I still found the film very moving, and finding that sharks are more threatened than I had originally thought, was pretty depressing.

I could easily sit through a 2hr film watching nothing but divers swimming about, so maybe I was just disappointed there wasn't more of that.

- Markus Diersbock



It's ashame that he had some really interesting people to talk about this issue, but we mostly heard from him.


yeah but at least hes doing what we are not doing. Fighting for a cause.
Would you tell ghandi that hes an egomaniac, or michael more, or the captain in this movie, dont blame others if youre frustrated by not being famous yourself DO SOMETHING!


Well, everyday we see on TV beautiful women in underwear selling TVs, cars, etc.

In this case a beautiful man in speedos is selling one idea which makes the film more or less directed to the female audience ;)

I am sure that ALL women have likes this film and there are a LOT of MEN ( I am one of them ) that disliked the way ROB is selling his idea :)

Anyways, this movie is great. I really enjoyed it and learnt a lot !!!!


i think the film itself transformed from a movie about shark to a film about the human bit of saving sharks. about the strives and hardships that the human race will have to go through. the obstacles we face.

I don't think he's an ego maniac.

I think that in the end, he learned how to put out his product. Because the movie was about his adventures and his time tryiing to save the creatures he loves. The movie was him and the sharks. Just because he looks good...

Don't Miss the Donut by looking through the hole.
T~O # 488 - R~M


What an EGOMANIAC!!!
It should have been called 'Shark/RobWater!'

argh I hate that machioso b.s. in movies it totally detracts from the otherwise wonderful message the film offers.


"Would you tell ghandi that hes an egomaniac, or michael more, or the captain in this movie, dont blame others if youre frustrated by not being famous yourself DO SOMETHING!"

I would definitely call Michael Moore an egomaniac. And a fat douchebag.

Also, you don't have to be jealous of someone's fame to know they're a jerkoff

So I'm not sick? Except for this terminal disease?


Very enlightening movie, and needs to be re-edited and presented on television.

I too thought there was too much Rob in the movie, and just like people who chase tornadoes, they seem to focus their cameras more on themselves and their bravery and antics than the subject itself.

Imagine if he'd spent less time on himself, and more time showing shocking footage of shark finning and other atrocities in that space of time.

1.5 hous is simply too little time ot be focusing that much attention on yourself.


The last scene, with him swimming underwater filming himself, was the worst. I can't even believe it. I can't take this film seriously, at all.
