MovieChat Forums > Sharkwater (2007) Discussion > i hate steven spielberg

i hate steven spielberg

this damm old fart is responsible for shark fear,fear of dinosaurs, fear of germans, fear of extra terrestrials and more


Exactly! Before Spielberg's movies NO ONE was afraid of sharks or Nazis. I have not been able to get near a dinosaur since!


I was petting T-rexes all the time before seeing Jurassic park
Damn Spielberg


i sense some sarcasm...

I was kidding!!!


sarcasm, what sarcasm? After seeing that movie my made made me give away my pet raptor, i still miss fido :(


hahaha "petting T-Rex's all the time before Jurassic Park" lol


Funny post.

But, it is true, after '75, you can't enter the water
without thinking about JAWS.

I dive in mostly frigid East Coast waters where sharks
are rare, and I still catch myself flashing to JAWS
every so often.


yep thats what i meant in the first place!


same thing with the movie arachnophobia, i have fear of spiders ever since and
theyre they are mostly innofensive and scared creatures.


Same thing happened to me after I watched The Terminator. I have had a fear of terminators ever since! And they only go after people whose last name is Connor!


How about 'It' ? Who here isn't afraid of clowns since seeing that nightmare-inducing film?


That goes for a whole bunch of animals. Spiders are not only inoffensive, they are extremely useful in keeping down the numbers of insects that can do real harm. In East Tennessee where I live there is only ONE dangerous spider, the black widow, and even that spider is highly unlikely to kill an adult. Yet people will point to any open sore on their body and swear it’s the result of a Brown Recluse spider (which live further west, and even further north into Kentucky, but not in East Tennessee [global warming may eventually change that]). Even doctors buy into it. Likewise, people will insist they’ve seen water moccasins locally; not unless somebody released their pet water moccasin into a local waterway; they wouldn’t survive. And bats, an indispensable animal in keep flying insects, especially mosquitoes, in check. And yet goons will burn out whole colonies, or call exterminators to destroy new colonies in their outbuildings, for fear of rabies. There is about one half human death from rabies in the US each year. Most bats couldn’t bite you if they tried, unless you stuck your finger in their mouths. And so it goes: most of us would rather strike out at things we don't understand rather than educate ourselves about them, and this willful ignorance is to our own detriment. Now, let me tell you about my loving and gentle pit bulls...


Whats the deal with "arachnophobia"?
I dont think its scary and I really hate spiders:-)


Peter Benchley, who wrote JAWS, is now outspoken about shark protection! He'll never undo what he's already done with JAWS.

Do not write here


Ever since Village of the Damned, I've been afraid of children. Children are the future.......well, they will be unless we stop them.

* I can't wait to read the reviews to find out whether I enjoyed this or not. *


>>this damm old fart is responsible for shark fear,fear of dinosaurs, fear of germans, fear of extra terrestrials and more <<

I agree...hardly a day goes by that I can't go bicycling without some kind of fear of being attacked by dinosaurs, Jaws, or a German with a Panzer tank.

Add to that the fear I have of being abducted by aliens and being probed, and it's a struggle for me each day just to cope with it all.

I'm glad that you too feel the same way I do.

Now...if I can only get over that fear I have of landing crafts full of American soldiers attacking my town as they did on "Saving Private Ryan," I'd be so much happier.


Don't hate Spielberg. Hate the author of the novel "JAWS".


To take a serious note on a funny thread, I don't hate either. These kinds of movies are no in way meant to reflect reality and that is obvious from the onset.

If you believed everything you saw in every scary movie then things like what happened in Tucker and Dave vs Evil would happen all the time

I don't deny the impact of media, in fact I am a classic target for such things. I watched scary things as a child and grew up with fears based on them. I don't like to look into mirrors late at night in case something gets me, or look out windows at night in case something possesses me . . .true story, it's very silly.

I also fear sharks, I do NOT go to beaches because I feel like nothing in the ocean wants me to be in there, I'm afraid because of movies like Jaws AND because I'm an easily influenced dunce sometimes. Plus I hate sand, beaches are kind of gross.

But despite my irrational fear and HATRED of sharks . . . this movie reduced me to blubbering tears and has seen me campaigning since. I won't go to restaurants that sell shark fins and when i find a restaurant that does I always take the time to prepare the package I usually send to companies. I send out some printed brochures on shark finning, the numbers, statistics etc and a personal letter explaining how I feel and why i will not be able to visit their establishment. In some situations I have had local people sign petitions and included this as well.

It may not be BIG in terms of action, but I at least try. People write books, people write movies . . . but if your moral compass is directed by them then YOU are the monster, not the creators of fiction.

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