Displace Me

Come help end a war...3:00pm....15 cities....April 28th.

Are you coming?


I went to Displace me yesterday. I'm from Cleveland and I went to the one in Chicago. Seven hours on a bus and 19 hours in a different city in another state was only a shadow of what the displaced in Uganda have to deal with everyday. Anyone who went, where are you from, where did you go and what was your experience?


I'm from San Antonio,Tx
and I went to the one in Austin
My experience was amazing...
it inspired me so much to do anything and everything I can,
How was urs?


Mine was awesome. I was sad that Laren was in Washington, Bobby was in New York and Jason was in California. I thought our speaker was gonna be like some old senator. But who do we get but Jolly Okot. She was amazing. The group that I went with met her. She is one of the nicest people ever.


seriously...you saw Jolly? We have Emmy from the bracelet videos...I went to Denver. I live in northern Wyoming...crazy! I wanted to be in Austin. They had Jacob there.


I went to Chicago as well.
It was an amazing time, an amazing night.


I went to the one in Orlando, FL. (I live in St. Pete.) I learned so much that I didn't even know about what is going on down there... how it is not just affecting the children but the adults too.
