Needs to be re-edited


I just saw this film at a college screening and suggest that it should be re-edited to have a story arc of some sort. The film seems to meander from topic to topic, and the big picture (despite an attempt to give background on the LRA) needs further clarification. Most documentaries don't jump around quite so much.

That is my opinion at least. I thought I'd post it here and see if anyone has ideas for how the film footage might be revised to have better pacing, educate better, and have a better emotional impact.



Jon, there are a lot of newer films they've released that deal more with stories. I would suggest that you check out the "Sunday" film.


i really wanted to like it but pretty much everything about sucked...hard...and not in a good way....

terrible story but sh*tty editing


Sure it's a bit all over the place, but this movie was strong and bold. Strong message and strong scenes told very well. Plus, remember the kids filming supposedly didn't know anything about cameras or whatever.

You want to see *beep* editing? Watch "the devil rode on horseback", another movie that tries to have the same amount of impact as this, but just focuses wayyy too much on the main guy. Of course still has a strong message, but invisible children feels so much more natural.


Interesting. I was expecting some half-assed job, but instead I was blown away by how good the editing was.



Do remember that this movie was made by guys who have no experience in film making at all - especially a documentary. The way the movie was editted isn't important - it's the messege. At least these people helped people see a side of Uganda that most people hadn't known about until documentaries - such as this one - came out.

Save your criticisms for more experienced film makers.



I don't think the film makers wanted it to seem like a professional documentary. It was all about their own story and telling it like they found it. I think the editing style was actually used really well for the audience they were trying to relate to. It works wonders for the youth in the world, people who don't care about things like editing and instead focus on the message of the film...

