Molly's worst movie is ....

a little known film titled "Malicious" - its hideous and her acting was just not Molly; its like she just phoned it in.. she has a sex scene where she shows her breast while screwing this guy who has a girlfriend he's in love with - the actor (himself, forgot his name was wooden/awful).... look it up here under Molly's page -- i saw the movie and it was very hard to watch bc its like Molly was my hero bc i grew up during the "brat pack days" - i was a teenager during her movies and she def was the "Julia Roberts" at that time...
I will always cherish John Hughes movies bc it was about growing up and about life... RIP JOHN HUGHES - YOU WILL FOREVER BE THE MASTER OF "COMING OF AGE MOVIES"... WE MISS YOU, AND ALL THE INCREDIBLE MOVIES YOU GAVE US WILL LIVE ON FOREVER ...
