South Park parodies Love In Action.
(yes, Trey and Matt stream the episodes for free)

Season 11, episode 2.
titled "Cartman Sucks"

Its a hilarious depiction of Degayification Camps.


yeah, it is a very memorable episode. It's great that Trey and Matt take the time to give their two cents on so many issues every year. Sometimes I don't fully agree, but I get their points usually. Many people don't realize how profound some episodes really are.

Though I think "But I'm a Cheerleader" did a better job showing a campy version of what it is like in a place like that. South Park's ep is somewhat depressing with all the suicidal kids, but of course they don't shy from disturbing topics.

But both are a great watch in connection to this film, as well as "Fish out of Water" which is about how the bible is interrupted regarding homosexuality.
