What happened to Barney?

Is he trying to reach to Borealis? He saved Gordon's life so many times and I believe he should be in the story in Episode three and Half Life 3. Did I miss something in the story?


Nope he isn't even mentioned... but it brings up the idea of him playing a major part in Episode 3.


A Half Life 2 version of Blue Shift could also be possible, covering what Barney was upto while not with Gordon. Since he was absent from Episode 2 altogether, that gives plenty of room for them to work with.


Well, they had to have left him out for a reason, probably the same reason you don't see G-Man for the first time until later in the game... (The commentary says that when the Vorts are healing Alyx, G-Man has a chance to talk to Gordon because the Vorts let down their block, this is when G-Man finally finds Gordon and from that point on, you can see G-Man, although I don't think in too many places...)

ANYWAY, after the train wreck they were lost from at least G-Man and I thought Barney too. I kind of expected to find Barney at White Forest (didn't the trains at the end of Ep.1 go to the same places? obviously not)...

I think Barney will have a huge roll to play in Ep.3. He might even be in cahoots with G-Man... As we find out that Gordon, Eli, and Alyx (possibly more) know something about G-Man, it's certainly possible that Barney might know as well, maybe even Kleiner...

I'm so ready to play Ep.3... I've been wanting to know the story for so long!


"Light a candle for the sinners, set the world on fire!"


Yeah, I wanna see Barney too!

The funny thing is that, he is casted here on IMDb but he is not in the game...

I'm sitting here twitching with you buddy.

- GTA IV, WKTT Talk Radio
