Why did Valve drop this?

Come on now seriously does anyone expect this to be finished?

Valve just seems to have dropped this game and I want a bloody ending...

Why didn't they conclude the story?


I don't know. There seems *beep* all announced for this game, apart from some leaked concept art. It is really disappointing. I don't buy the *beep* either it is because they fear it won't live up to expectations, I'd rather have a bad ending than no resolution at all. But eight-years on who really *beep* cares? I doubt this game will ever happen. This delay is longer than the gap between Half-Life 1 and Half-Life 2.

What makes it annoying is certain websites making up false speculation about when Half-Life 3 will be announced.

Oh and the people who say Half-Life 3 Confirmed can *beep* themselves. That hasn't been funny for a long time.
