Technical Specs

Can Anyone confirm what Camera this was shot on?

I noticed at the end credits it said HD, it's pretty obvious the film was shot on digital, but which camera?


Yeah about 2/3rds of the way through the thought occurred to me that this was digital. Once through the climactic scene, I was really impressed with the imagery Tsukamoto put together. His usual style doesn't suffer any under digital, and while a lot of the grainy, rough quality I loved about his earlier film stocks [though, granted, those were more due to low-budget] is gone, the transitions and lighting are captured beautifully.

It looks much cleaner than flicks like "Haze" or even American ones like "Inland Empire." I wonder what camera was used as well, though Tsukamoto's extensive experience as a cinematographer on his films did most of the work I'm sure.


I know for a fact that this was shot on high Definition whilst inland empire was shot on a Sony Pd-150 and Haze on a Panasonic DVX (both of which are only dv).

I'm still curious as to which camera he used though.


After seeing the trailer, i would have thought it was film! I guess alot of Asian films I have seen that i thought were shot on film may be DV.
EDIT: just read this online: "Options, Options, Options. When you shoot your feature on DV, you have a lot of options. You can keep it looking like video, or you can film-look it. If you like it, you can blow it up to film."
