MovieChat Forums > The House Bunny (2008) Discussion > I think I'll have the mahi-mahi...

I think I'll have the mahi-mahi...

"Yes, I think I'll have the mahi-mahi, but can I get it with just one mahi? I'm not that hungry."

I busted that line out at a fancy seafood restaraunt the other day and made my wife spit her soda up from her nose.

the waiter just stood there with a blank look on his face. had no idea what i was talking about. he just said i'm sure we could do that for you sir i can check with the chef. [laugh

that's gotta be one of my favorite movie lines ever.

So remember the new number! That's 0118 999! 881 999 119 725... 3!


I always do something similar when I order pizza...I ask if they slice the pizza into 12 or 16 slices...and request 16 because I'm really hungry!

So....naturally I loved the Mahi line and will use that one as well!


