MovieChat Forums > The House Bunny (2008) Discussion > Harmony's Pregnancy -- What was the poin...

Harmony's Pregnancy -- What was the point?

I just do not get why they decided to make Katharine McPhee's character pregnant. They did absolutely nothing with it, except when she squeegeed off her belly during the car wash. Yeah, that was just freakin' hilarious.

What, is it nerdy to be pregnant (like it's nerdy to wear a back brace, or to be shy, or to be smart)? What is that supposed to mean? That popular girls use more effective contraception or get abortions? Or maybe only losers have sex. That must be it.

Did they cut out some sort of subplot where she was exploited by a popular frat guy or something?

"It's such a fine line between stupid, and clever."--David St. Hubbins


I was wondering the same thing.

and if they "can't talk to boys" then how did she get pregnant? it makes no sense at all.


Yeah that's exactly what I was wondering too when I saw it!

They make it like they never have had any boyfriends and are afraid to talk to boys, so how did she get pregnant? Does anyone else remember if it was mentioned anywhere about who the father of her baby is? Cause I sure don't.


Well the point was that all the Zeta girls were guy/friend repellents because they were kind of dorky and not so good looking.

But Harmony (Katherine McPhee) is beautiful, even without make up so they had to do something to her make her unpopular/undateable , so they made her pregnant.

I'm not saying that pregnant woman are unattractive but if you think about it....what college guy wants to get involved with a pregnant girl?

and the other sororities probably saw her as a skank for getting pregnant so young & not being with baby's father.

Back from hiatus ;)

Recent Movies: Saw V (6/10), The House Bunny (6/10)


I think the point was that she'd got pregnant and she may have been popular before the point at which we joined the story and she was ostracised because she's going to have a baby. Then this was the only sorority that would have her.
Also if you notice, she was the one going for it during kareoke and dancing at the nursing home, it never showed that she was shy with men.

The whole feminism front is winding me up over this movie to be honest too, it's as if it's gone from one extreme to another, began with the slutty popular girls dictating what we should do and now it's the feminists who look down on us girls if we act in a way they don't approve... I'm not anything like the bunny in the movie, but I wouldn't appreciate being judged if I wanted to be. The whole point in having feminism was so that women can be whatever they want, whether that's a smart professor type, a playboy bunny or somewhere between.

The only girls in the movie I DID have a problem with were the girls in the other sorority, they were popular, good-looking, smart and yet absolutely horrible. So I can't work out why the only ones anyone seems to have a problem with are the 'vapid' girls who still had perfectly nice personalities!

I'm not a nymphomaniac... I'm a compulsive liar.


Yeah i think it's cuz she didn't fit in with the other sorority. Like it or not a lot of people still have contrived ideas about single mothers or young pregnant women. Can you imagine her fitting in with the other sorority? Also i agree with the other poster. Feminism was to allow women to be what they want to be. So even if the women moaning don't approve of a playboy bunny doesn't mean that playboy bunnies are any less than anyone else.


How exactly were the 'popular' ones slutty?

And feminism is about equality... that includes NOT being some sexy toy for boys to ogle like Shelley was and how the girls turned out.

And if you aren't replying to me, do not hit the REPLY button KTHXBAI.



i think the point was that, even if you're "ugly", shy, smart, or nerdy, you girl can still get pregnant, just like other girls who are "pretty".



i think they were trying to come up w/ things that would make them the most loserish sorority ever...the sorority had nerds, shy girl, a women's studies major, tiny girl, and a pregnant chick

These crabcakes are good as a mug!! I f@$%ks with these crabcakes!!! -ann coulter via the boondocks


"They did absolutely nothing with it, except when she squeegeed off her belly during the car wash."

They mentioned early on that she was keeping track of how far along she was. Sort of counting down to giving birth. The girls were also counting down to the day when they'd need their 30 pledges. Both dates came on the same day, and tried to use the baby as the 30th pledge.

So yeah, they DID do something with her pregnancy.

And as for being pregnant in the first place, yes, a single pregnant girl wouldn't be my first, second, or hundredth choice to ask out. So she fit in with the misfits, hot or not.


I think Harmony probably had a boyfriend at one point and then he dumped her when she got pregnant. She struck me as kind of a hippy type chick,eg: she didn't understand the other sorority's mean behavior and the way she dressed. I think she wanted to keep her baby and was alienated for it. The Zeta's took her as a member because they didn't care what others thought.
no day but today


I think the idea was that guys wouldn't talk to a chick who is pregnant. Since she's going to be a mom, I'd imagine some dudes would hold that against her, especially when she was still in her early 20s.

-You look like Babe Ruth's gay brother, Gabe Ruth-

