I don't get Michael Moore

I remember watching Moore's documentary "The Big One" (1997)in which he portrayed Bill Clinton as a lying monster that promises pay checks and food to workers just day before their factory closes and they loose their jobs. He also noted in that documentary how half of the US population didn't go out on elections in 1997. in protest against Clinton although he won second term anyway.

So in 2004. Michael Moore (Captain Mike) went all over US showing people how he is in love with John Kerry and democrats and that everybody should vote for them. I don't get why? He first bashes them and then he supports them. What's up with that?




Have you seen "The Big One"? Nothing you wrote about the movie is accurate.


What does Kerry have to do with Clinton? Simply because you support one person in a party doesn't mean you support another. It simply means you are behind the majority of the party ideals.



Wow, you are not *TOO* out of touch with reality. First off all, have you even heard of the Tea Party movement? You know, the GIANT section of the Republican party that has moved to start an entirely new party because they feel that the other half is too centrist? That is not to mention the 3rd group--The Christian Right. Second, to make a blanket statement like "conservative people are loyal and liberal people are not" is just silly. If I remember correctly, it was your super-loyal party members who were doing everything they could to distance themselves from George Bush when his popularity plummeted, first by not mentioning/associating with him then by turning on him and bashing him in public! Turning on the President you guys elected and held up as your ideal guy as soon as the going got a little rough--real loyal.

The truth is that a Republican will join in your fight--If there are ten of you against one guy. If there are 10 of the other guys against one of their own, the Republican will insist that his buddy has become an extremest, is out of touch with his core belief system now and will jump to the other side and start beating on his former friend.



Those who believe Michael Moore is an idealist are either naieve or stupid. He's an oportunist, a puppet and a narcicist. His job is to make people believe they are free and have the possibility to resist whilst they remain but a cog in the plutocratic Orwellian system we live in here in the West. At first he did so by supporting Nader, but for some obscure reason he shifted to the democrats.


And one day, you, frustrated by the absurd two-party system we have accepted in this country, will decide to support the lesser of two evils, and some young turdball will one day claim that you, for the sin of having attempted to activate young minds to rally against corruption, are an "opportunist, a puppet and a narcissist." And you'll see that claim and think, yea, I was that stupid once.


Actually I'm certain none of the US population went out to vote in 1997, unless they were casting votes for the British or Canadian, or even Iranian governments. We vote in even-numbered years.

Also, only 49% of the US eligible voting population voted in that election.


You can change the monkey, but the teleprompter will remain the same.
