Ya get what ya pay for I s'pose

I couldn't watch the whole thing so I'm probably not qualified to write a review. Big fat whatevah-fest.

I like the concept of distributing the film for free and was VERY appreciative that a version that is not raped by net compression was available, because I'm anal like that.

This thing is a bore. It's unwatchable, the performances are mediocre and unnecessary (the guy on the keyboard was just annoying in fact), and it lacks much in the way of any actual content.

I also completely misunderstood what this was about. Of course I chose to just snag it and start watching. Why am I watching footage of the 2004 campaign? Who cares? Nothing about it is compelling.

Watch this guy:

Avoid Slacker Uprising. It's free, but it's a couple hours of your life you can't get back.


You should have stopped after your first sentence. That way you wouldn't have proven to everyone that you are a dork.


I consider him lucky. It sounds like he only wasted a half hour of his day, while the rest of us sat dormant for an hour-forty.

The straightest line between a short distance is two points.



The movie was boring. It was the same thing over and over again. Moore tries to turn his failure into a victory (probably to mend his ego) and ends up looking foolish. Would you like me to go on?

The straightest line between a short distance is two points.
