A thank you and a message ...

In roughly 48 hours, America will be given the opportunity to remove the absolute most evil administration from power, and bring genuine change to their country.
It's time to stop the ridiculous name-calling, and mudslinging and realize that there is only one way to change the way the rest of the world looks at you.
You must not allow the Republicans another four years in power. It's the only way to fix the dirty mess that you find yourself in today. Do it.

"Slacker Uprising" is a film that everyone should watch. It's free. Downloading it will not harm you in any other way than holding up a mirror to the problem with your supposedly great country.

Michael Moore needs to win another Oscar for this film, and America needs to give The White House an enema.

Thank you, Mister Moore, for giving us the best film of the year. Period.

