
I was very intrigued by the setting and the acting in this movie and I think I would have enjoyed it more without the plot twist. I just sat there and enjoyed every second of their antics and the dialogue up until the twist.

Great movie!


What's wrong with the twist? I thought it was great! Proud to know that there are really good Aussie movies out there too! I totally didn't expect things to turn out like that. Great movie!


I don't think there's anything wrong with the twist per se, I just felt it didn't belong here. The best way to explain it I guess is that I enjoyed the two main characters interact with ordinary people they had never met before a little too much =)


The twist got me! It shook the whole thing up completely. But I too just enjoyed witnessing the interactions up until that point, it was fascinating enough as it was; the twist just made the whole narrative a bit more meaningful.

French existential absurdist tragi-comedy rocks! G.Rush


I really enjoyed watching this movie too. Started slow but ended well I think.


I liked it from begin till end, including the twist.

I'm a sucker for the "couple of people stuck in one location" type of movie and there was some serious good acting in this movie, so I enjoyed myself through the entire ride.

The only thing is, they sound so weird!
Especially the large thug's accent was very VERY OSTRAAALIAN!
But thats alright. Better than some British movies I've seen. God, some of their accents make me wanna fill my ears with cement.
