MovieChat Forums > The Avengers (2012) Discussion > I've been a massive CB fan since I was s...

I've been a massive CB fan since I was six, but...

...but this movie doesn't work for me. I know this movie is now considered be-all and end-all of comic book movies, but it doesn't work for me. Before I say why I don't like this movie, I want to clarify that I'm not just a movie snob who doesn't understand the comic book genre. I've been reading comic books my whole life, including The Avengers titles. I started reading Avengers titles after Kurt Busiek's run, and then I came back to the older stuff to catch up with the continuity.

My favorite Avengers writers are: Roy Thomas, John Byrne, Bob Harras, and Kurt Busiek. And despite being a longtime fan of these characters, I did not like this movie (very much). And let's not even talk about the sequel.

My main problems: I don't care for the story, because it's too trivial for my taste. (Punching, shooting, explosions, and nothing more.) I don't care for the characters, because I think they have plastic personalities. I don't like the action, because it doesn't look imaginative and well-constructed. (Again, punching, shooting, explosions, and nothing more.) And Loki wasn't a great as people were saying. He was better than vast majority of MCU villains, but that's not saying much.

These are my main gripes.

I don't hate all MCU films. I do like some of them. The first Iron Man is still a masterpiece in my opinion. Winter Soldier I thought was definitely a step forward from its mediocre predecessor. And Civil War was also good. Heck, I thought Civil War was a better Avengers movie than actual Avengers movies.

Anyway, these are my thoughts.


Hey, everyone has different tastes. I was more of an Englehart fan than a Roy Thomas one, but like the Bard was often heard to say, "You likes what you likes."

In the kingdom of the blind, you're the village idiot.


While it's not my favorite, it's still good.

But to each their own.


I don't care for the story, because it's too trivial for my taste. (Punching, shooting, explosions, and nothing more.) I don't care for the characters, because I think they have plastic personalities.

This video is absolutely worth 40 minutes of your time if you believe that.

It may help you understand why the MCU is the way it is.

If your theater is a space safe from ideas and opinions, you're doing theater wrong.
