
Did anyone notice that the plot of this movie borrowed a lot from Faulkner's "Sanctuary"? To say more, virtually all the characters here resemble ones from the book: Angelica=Temple, Zhurov=Popeye, Aleksey=Goodwin, Sunka=Tommy, Valera=Gowan. I've read some critical articles in russian and foreign press and no one pointed that out. Strange because it sticks out a mile.


I noticed it throughout the whole film. I don't think Faulkner is too big in Russia. Just a few alterations to the Sanctuary narrative.


I noticed SANCTUARY right off the bat. The film follows Faulkner rather consistently for about 45 minutes. Once the girl is handcuffed to the bed, the film goes down a different road.

Actually, Faulkner and Mark Twain were both very popular in Russia during the Communist regime.



I've yet to read anything addressing Faulkner's popularity in Russia. If you have any book titles or essays, please throw them my way. Thanks.

