Soundtrack Help

I am looking for a help identifying a song I think some others also were trying to identify in the other soundtrack thread.

The guy repeats the same word three times in each chorus of the song I mean, first higher, then lower, then lower.

It's usually on when the professor is driving the car. For instance, it is playing when he almost crashes into that oncoming truck at 1:09:20.

It is definitely NOT

x Pesnjary - Vologda
x Jurij Loza - Plot
x Zemlyane - Trava U Doma
x Vremya est a deneg net

Again, it is the song playing at 1:09:20.



I guess the song you mean is V Krayu Magnoliy by Ariel. I saw the movie last friday and its been stuck in my head for days (in a good way).
