well, I thought...

Edmund was a bit tasty :)


I agree he was tasty but Ive always liked James D'Arcy (Tom) I never new he was in it.

An it just helped that Ive always like William (Joseph Morgan)an Henry (Joseph bettie) they were both in a programme i use to watch Hex.


I was astounded at how completely Un-tasty they managed to make Edmund.

Here was the gorgeous boy who played Cedric Diggory in Goblet of Fire -
and they managed to make him a wimp.

I thought the whole production was abysmal.
As I watched - I kept waiting for the book to begin.
The casting was awful - important relationships not developed -
the picnic instead of the Ball and no visit to Portsmouth.
It was just awful.

It's OK to change things if you still manage to show the spirit of the book.

Billie Piper is adorable - but played it as a fiesty modern girl.
Not the quiet, humble character that Fanny Price was.

I dread Persuasion - I adore the Amanda Root version.
-and who could be hunker than Ciaran Hinds?
We'll see -
but this was a badly cast, monumental disappointment to me.


Blake Ritson performed the voice of Cedric Diggory in the Goblet of Fire video game (VG is placed next to a title to show it is a video game). Robert Pattinson played the character in the movie. Nevertheless, Blake Ritson is also a nice looking boy and I thought he looked very handsome as Edmund.


I thought this Edmund was far more attractive that the Edmund of the book. His character is a total prig and unsexy.


Ritson as Edmond was the best thing about this piece of schlock. At least there was someone cute to look at while you wasted your life waiting for the show to get better.



Ah - I see - you're quite right, BettySlocombe!

I was really puzzled as to how he'd changed so much.
A friend told me that 'Cedric' would play Edmund.

I don't disagree that he was handsome - but I felt the charcter he portrayed was wimpy.
Edmund and Fanny in the book aren't dull or boring - just strictly brought up products of their environment.

For me the whole book is dominated by the suppressed - but very strong - feelings that Fanny and Edmund have for each other.

How they deal with their feelings compared to the others (Maria and the Crawfords) is the whole point of the book for me.

I've been deeply disappointed with the latest Jane austen adaptations -
I can only hope that the next two are better.

If nothing else - it's made me want to re-read the books. So I suppose that's a plus....:-)


I agree! This might be the only good part of this really mediocre adaptation. He is really cute! A bit wimpy looking but I quite like that.


I'd tap that. ;)

He is very handsome, and also the only reason I rewatched it.

Yup, it's true. I am a faithful McAvoyer
