The cast fills out...

Trio Aboard Auburn's The Girl in the Park
Source: Production Weekly November 1, 2006

According to Production Weekly, Keri Russell, Alessandro Nivola and Elias Koteas have joined Sigourney Weaver and Kate Bosworth in playwright David Auburn's psychological thriller The Girl in the Park.

Enduringly traumatized by the disappearance of her three-year-old daughter 15 years ago, Julia Sandburg (Weaver) has cut herself off from anyone once near and dear to her, including her ex-husband Doug and her son Chris, who tried for years to penetrate her wall of isolation and despair, without success. But when Julia meets Louise (Bosworth), a troubled young woman with a checkered past, all Julia's old psychic wounds painfully resurface, as does her illogical and increasingly irrational hope that Louise may be the daughter she lost so long ago.

Auburn, who wrote the script, will make his directorial debut on the movie, scheduled to begin filming November 13 in New York.


FYC:Rinko Kikuchi for Best Supporting Actress


Keri Russell is my absolute FAVORITE actress. She is the best. I am now so excited about this movie!


I think she stole the role from Kate Bosworth...(laughs)


I hope you are right! I know Keri is a little older than Kate, but she doesn't look any older, and her acting is soooooooo much better!
