gonna suck just like the show

without a doubt.


I love the show! Its so f ucking funny.As for the video game sucking it might or it just might not.

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HOW does Family Guy Suck its the best Adult cartoon eva, Simpsons Became Kiddy and Futurama got cancelled for some stoopid reason. For the game it is amazin its funny well written and has amazin gameplay.


futurama is coming back in 2007.

"Emo is bulls**t!" -Brendon Urie


futurama is back?
where did you get that from?

'I'm gonna need that picture of Olmos'S ASS back...'


i read it. its sort of the situation of family guy, alot of fans were upset it got cancelled, and the producers are impressed with how well its doing in dvd sells and on adult swim, so, theyre making new episodes.

"Emo is bulls**t!" -Brendon Urie
