Spoiler: Last Bit of Proof

The last bit of "proof" was the gold artifact showing a 2D perspective of several 3D objects. That strikes me as way over the top. It's a very subtle idea that would never have found its way in such an artifact for a variety of reasons.

In any case, if the "Dan" tribe (as the video says) crafted the ark, it seems likely that pictures of it would have survived from the Danites themselves. Yet we are asked to believe that artifact is the only true representation of it. My pathetic bible study (mostly from watching History Channel videos and Raiders of the Lost Ark) is that many people got to see the Ark. For a time, it was regularly paraded around before it disappeared. So that stuff about finally seeing the true representation makes no sense. (Narrarator: "At last, we know what the Ark of the Covenant looked like." )

And we're asked to believe that Moses was the only person who saw the image from that perspective. Wouldn't that mean Moses had to have made the jewelry? Hmm. C'mon, why would he do so? Why would he make an image of the "Holy of Most Holies" and then to adorn himself with it. (Remember the artifact was "priestly jewelry.") Makes no sense.

There are so many holes in that section of the video that it seemed a very sad way to end it. Reminded me of Hancock's "The Sign and the Seal" where he spent 600 pages "conclusively" tracking the Ark to a temple in Ethiopia only to give up a few feet from his goal. (Yep, I read the whole thing.)

That said, I did enjoy the video. I just would've liked a lot more convincing.


We really no artistic representation from Ancient ISraelites of anything.

Once It was securely placed in Solomon's temple, by 1004 bc, only the High Priest would have gotten to see it.

"It's not about money.... It's about sending a Message..... Everything Burns!!!"
