Any chance of a DVD in BBC stores?? I didn't get to see this and I really want to.

**http://www.livejournal.com/users/xsadavirusx/ << the diary of Sadako (my LiveJournal)**


Yeah i didn't get to see it either and am now gutted.



"Oh look - a lovely spider! And it's eating a butterfly!"
'' ,,


This was absolutely mint. i have it on video, but I aint modern enough to have it on DVD-R. But anyway, i love this show, it was incredible, i actually got all unconfortable at some parts, and it makes you review the way you see people. It is obviously a well thought out piece, and certainly much better than Robin Hood, which was just disappoint quite frankly.

So yep, I'll write to them.


It's on youtube right now. Nine parts.

Mickey~"You're making this up as you go along?!"
The Doctor~"Yep, but I do it brilliantly."
