Holy Crap

I just got done watching "Recovery" and I am CRYING my eyes out! This was one of the best acting preformances I've ever see! Tennant is awesome. Near the end when they were dancing and he was crying I thought for sure I was gonna end up dehydrated.

"I gots no business bein a bandit" <-- I'm the genius who said that


Well, I agree. I just wathced this and must say this was some brilliant drama! Reeeeallly amazing.


I have only seen it on youtube, and even so, it is one of the few times watching a TV show where not crying but actually *weeping* my little heart out summed up my reaction. I have NEVER cried that much, I don't think, in ANYTHING! And the scene you mention is just heartwrenchingly beautiful.

I really wish they would bring it out on DVD. Or at least repeat it. I'm gutted I didn't get someone to tape it for me.

Fantastic performances, esp from Sarah and David, (the way David immersed himself and simply became Alan is something incredible!) and their two boys I thought were brilliant too, some of the best acting I have seen from kids of those ages. And not a single weak link, IMO, even amongst the very smallest roles.


Just watched it on Youtube as well and I haven't cried that much since "Shadowlands"! I never thought Tennant would be better than anything I'd ever seen him in, but he was here. I love it when my favorite actors/actresses can still surprise me.

Sarah Parish was just fabulous too! Her performance was so real and honest. My best friend is dating a man with a brain injury and every time Tricia was struggling to hang on, I was thinking of her. I'm definitely going to become a fan of Ms. Parish if she is this good in everything!

I can't understand why it is not on DVD. I mean EVERYTHING is on DVD!! I know it would mean so much to my friend to see this, to feel she's not alone. What a pity.

"You may very well think that; I couldn't possibly comment."
