Amazing film

I didn't know what I was getting myself into when I plugged this DVD into my player, but halfway through I understood I was watching a film about choice.

Jennifer Fox had the chance to decide how the rest of her life would go, she decided not to engage in lasting relationships with men and not to have children, what is magical about this is that Ms. Fox explores, not only the language of friendship and sex in the lives of her female friends in this documentary piece, but also the lives of women who never got to choose their own destinies, women who's sexual organs were mutilated or women who were tricked into having sex, in cultures were doing so ruins any chance for any future that doesn't involve selling their bodies just to sustain their own miserable lives.

As a man I found this film powerful because, well, The decision to do with their bodies what nature intended them do with them seems to mean that women think they need to conform to some kind of social norm which involves settling down with one man and raising her family. This woman chose not to do with her body what it was made for and near its ability end to do so she begins to regret this decision. Not the choice in refusing to settle down but the choose not have children.

I could ramble on and on, but really everyone should see this thing, its really an amazing experience.

It is currently playing in Chicago and Los Angeles, check out, for location and show dates.


I haven't seen all of the film and I tend to do so. What I did see made me think about a topic I've been thinking about alot. I turned 22 in January and I've never had a boyfriend and it worries me am I always going to be lost in trying to figure out what career I want to do and will I ever fine a man who will love me for the weirdo I am. I was raised to be a good religious girl and yet I don't know. SO I'm glad I watched what I did and it made me think and I so started to cry. Which I hate to do, I'm the type to never cry so. I think Fox was brave for making this film and I hope she was able to have her baby, career, and was able to keep her man.

Me love movies. Long time lol.
