not what you hink

not really what i was expecting,had nothing to do with the classic evil step mum and ugly sisters but it was hinted at. turned out really good!!!!

On your lips

I've smelled the blood

that touches my tongue



It wasn't all that bad. I was all confused though, until the last minutes when I finally figured the whole thing out. I like complexity! Keeps you thinking and interested.

The ending was lame. I didn't like it. For me it was just meaningless, and it reminded me of Dark Water. The mother basically left her biological daughter and stayed with the orphan daughter. It was done better in Dark Water, although the ghost daughter wasn't an orphan in that one.

I liked the beginning of the movie since the horror scenes were all wicked and disturbing. Even though they weren't actually scary. I don't mind about that ;) Still love Asian horror.. The art-room scene where the two girls where doing their do-it-yourself plastic surgery to each other was amazing!

It was a nice movie. I wouldn't buy it though.. Nice popcorn fun!

My latest fan tribute:


Evil stepmother takes the orphaned child's face to make her step sister beautiful and leaves an ugly sister abandoned and alone. Sounds like Cinderella to me. The orphaned child that dies and comes back to haunt everyone is Cinderella. She comes back to take vengeance on her beautiful stepsister and mother. She was the one wronged by the family and neglected.

This all being said from the orphaned child's eyes.


yes I agree, that is how the title cinderella come about

but offcourse just like most Korean movie

the evil step mother is not that 'evil' at all since she was about to throw a birthday party for 'Cinderella' when she hang herself

and the evil step sister dont really have a clue of what was happening

good movie overall


Not that evil? I don't think that baking a cake is really going to make up for stealing someone's face.

---- Replace "blank" to get the real URL.


Good and evil is very relative.
