MovieChat Forums > Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs. Evil (2011) Discussion > Hope the animation is better this time.....

Hope the animation is better this time...

The first Hoodwinked has one of the WORST CGI animation for a movie released in theaters EVER!

Hopefully these guys gave their systems an upgrade.

Harsh Times: 9/10
Munich: 7/10
Balls of Fury: 5/10



I wasnt sober when i saw the first one so it may of just been me..... but did anyone think th background animation looked like an old tomb raider game background lol


Jorgito, you obviously missed the point of the CGI of the original film, which was to do an homage to George Pal's Puppetoons and to Rankine-Bass's holiday TV specials.
And the animation was pretty damn good, especially given the limits the guys were working with.

Egg, you're kidding, right? The plot and dialogue were some of the funniest, most entertaining material I'd seen that season. The script was smarter and sharper than its main competitor, the overhyped SHREK sequel.


No, man, Hoodwinked was a giant middle finger to every aspiring animator... Okay, to every animator. Doing an homage doesn't give someone cart blanche to half-ass it.

Also, you're brain dead if you found Hoodwinked funny or original. (I'm not going to defend Shrek at all.) But seriously, if you thought Hoodwinked was well-written, I suggest you grow a sense of shame pronto.



Ok, I get it. You didn't like the first movie... why are you bothering to ready about the second one? Could it be that you're making out that you hated so many things about the movie to cover the fact you did actually like it?

If you really hated to movie so much... go away, don't look it up and employee your time doing something else. I hear macrame is fun.


The animation was part of the joke. If you did not understand that you missed half the joke of the movie.
Not everything has to have the hyper-realism of a Pixar movie, or the zingers and sides, or look-a-like actor/characters of Dreamworks movie.


The animation was part of the joke. If you did not understand that you missed half the joke of the movie.
Not everything has to have the hyper-realism of a Pixar movie, or the zingers and sides, or look-a-like actor/characters of Dreamworks movie.

You are correct. But half brains come here to complain about something they obviously don't understand. At least they are funny to laugh at.


"The animation was part of the joke"

it was a joke alright, its called cheap labor.
