MovieChat Forums > Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs. Evil (2011) Discussion > Can't wait for this to be released!

Can't wait for this to be released!

I wish it was sooner. I absolutely loved the first one!


I know, right? I'm rewatching the first one now and all I can say about the idea of a sequel is, "Yay!"

"Film is a mosaic of Time."
-A. Tarkovsky


me too!
I wouldent say I love it but I liked it very much and have wanted a sequel for a long time.




Totally, the original had a great dry humor. Hope this one has slightly better production values.




I couldn't agree more, i just hope its just as good. Why did it take them so long for the sequel? it did well box office wise, didn't it?

" I am talking about..ethics "


I keep checking back to see if at least a trailer has come out, the film has actually been finished right?

Absolutely loved the first film, even bought several more DVDs of it to give to friends and relatives as I think everyone should see this charming and very clever movie.

Most adult movies don't have the attention to continuity and story weaving that this did.

The animation is .. beautiful. You wouldn't say to a famous painter 'that doesnt look exactly like the real thing' would you, it has some artistic licence. Who ever complained that the Simpsons didn't look as polished as say Bolt.

Can't wait for the sequel, i just HOPE those guys haven't dumbed it down after setting the standard for the engaging, quirky, unique movie the first time.

One other thing, the original score in the first movie was very good too, and the overall sound quality and sound engineering was top notch, something that is actually way more important than the resolution of the picture. I hope they can equal the quality on II.




Any thoughts on when this will actually BE released? I know with the BK toys out people thought it may have been January but... **Sighs


It was supposed to coe out in January 2010. I thought I actually saw it on the shelf at Blockbuster, bt maybe that was a spinoff becuase it is coming to theatres in 2011 (in a few months).


does anyone know when this comes out?


There's still no release date set... and now there's a legal dispute that will probably just bog it down more. >:-(

Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.


I wouldn't be surprised if the film goes straight to DVD.


Wow! I haven't revisit the director's page for several years and only found out today that the sequel is in the work.

Just re-watched it a few days ago and now I'm totally looking forward to the sequel.



And people complain about other boards having studio plants on there.


Are you saying I'm a plant? 'Cause I'm not. I am actually excited about this coming out! Legitimately! If one could get paid for being excited about certain movies, I'd love to find out about it, though. Sounds like a sweet career...

THIS is from Congo Jack!
