It's Finally Coming Out!

The movie is being released (finally) after being postponed a year on April 29, 2011.


Do you have a link to a credible source?


Any Tralier or Posters?

It's drive me mad when I couldn't find the source.

for source check Box Office Mojo



"theres your damn proof";

I see that comingsoon has listed April as the release date but they don't have any sources linked. It seems they're assuming it's April just like a lot of other people are.

Idiots think analysis is magic. Michael Bay ruined those individuals' childhoods.


I found that date listed on Boxofficemojo, and on the weinstein company website, though I'm surprised that after all this time they wouldn't have a trailer ready to throw up on the webpage, seems a bit unprofessional to me, but then so did the lawsuit


Ahhhh great!! The day it finally comes out I'll be abroad. I really hope its a worldwide release but then again other countries always have animated movies dubbed.
Anyway, good to know it FINALLY coming out. Can't wait to see it.

I'm going to get your Red Riding Hood and your granny too!!!!


There's also a Tralier now when you do a serch on it.


That's great news! The trailer looks good!


Oh my goodness.. Even from the trailer it looks nothing like as good as the first, its like they're trying too hard to be funny, I mean, fart jokes, come ON. Even the characters look less likeable. I will go and see it, but I am going to pray that it has at least half as much charm as the first one hidden under the corny gags.


All I can say is, it's about time!!

Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.


Count me in the Can't Wait Camp!

Oh, and also the Finally! Camp.


i saw the trailer in the theaters. i really want to see it but it looks kind of disappointing red looks dopey the wolf is a dork instead of sarcastic like he was twitches sounds like alvin and the chipmunks i didn't see kirk or boingo at all and most of what they said just sounded like spongebob. like some pigs or someone had caught twitches and said "hey, you're not wearing any pants!" and then everyone was like "ooooh, he's not wearing pants," and twitches just said "awkwarrrd!" plus it might just be the lighting in the theater but the frog looked like an old man he was all yellow and had bags under his eyes


I know what you mean. The original tried to look like stop motion animation on purpose which many people (including me at first) thought was poor animation. With this movie they aren't trying for the nice visual style, and the jokes do seem stupid. I was disappointed by the fart gag, and some of the others. Wolfy as you mentioned seems week, and clueless now. The dialogue seems weaker, and everything looks bright and fuzzy instead of being dark with shadows like the first movie. I am saying I will not be seeing this in theaters.
