Hoodwinked 2 Trailer

Ok here's the trailer for Hoodwink II



It's about time!

Idiots think analysis is magic. Michael Bay ruined those individuals' childhoods.



Looks awesome! It's also interesting that there doing the whole 3d thing...did they originally plan on doing that?

The party lasted an entire week, and honestly, I don't remember most of it.



Damn! Granny wearing the Bruce Lee "Game of Death" jumpsuit did it for me....LOL

I'm going to get you Red! And your Granny too!


Red, the main character of the first movie, is barely in the trailer. Guess they're really trying to draw attention away from the fact that they couldn't get Anne Hathaway to come back.


No, it means the other characters do stuff that's funny in 5-second cuts. Red takes longer to portray.


Trailer-only review: To be honest with you, it looks like the same lazy shortcuts and half-arsed writing that made the first movie a dreadful exercise in pain endurance. Yes, there has been a marginal improvement in the animation quality, so "bravo" there. It will find a market, rest assured. Just as theorized in the movie "Idiocracy", a witless audience may be entertained for an hour by a non-movie built around a person's bum, so will this movie find quick profits for haggard parents eager to dump their mewling brats off at the multiplex while they go do something "important".

Good luck, gents. May you all become millionaires riding on the backs of people with aspirations far lower than your own. As proven with your first experimental animation class, the appetite for crap is apparently limitless.


A hateful message, posted with all the comfortable anonymity afforded by the web. You're entitled to your opinion, OJ— but so are those who enjoyed the original "Hoodwinked," or who may enjoy the sequel. They may not be, as you described, simply "haggard parents" or those who share a limitless "appetite for crap."

By all means, make your opinion known. That is the purpose of a discussion board. You didn't like the first film. Fine. You are certain you won't like the sequel. Also fine.

You make personal attacks on both the audience and the filmmakers, all of whom you've never met. Arrogant.

Making any film is a great effort. I worked on the original Hoodwinked for 3.5 years. During that time, the "lazy" filmmakers to whom you refer pulled more 14, 16 and 18 hour days than not. We recut the story reel in excess of 50 times. We rewrote, reworked, and recast, all in an effort to make the film better, and to make it on our budget (which was half of what I've seen reported in many places on the web).

You didn't like the result. That's okay. But to say regarding "Hoodwinked Too!" that "it looks like the same lazy shortcuts and half-arsed writing that made the first movie a dreadful exercise in pain endurance"— that's not only spiteful, it's uninformed.

You know little to nothing of the circumstances surrounding the making of the first film or its sequel. That's not to say you should know, but on what grounds then do you feel entitled to judge the work ethic and personal character of the filmmakers?

Implying that we filmmakers hope to "become millionaires [by] riding on the backs of people with aspirations far lower than [our] own" is a very personal attack on both the filmmakers and the audience. So congratulations. I've taken it personally. Turns out I'm not just a name on an IMDB credit; I'm an actual human being.

Imagine that.

By the way, I laughed out loud quite a few times while watching "Idiocracy." Who knows, maybe even for the same reasons you did.

Tony Leech
Co-writer / Co-director / Editor
Hoodwinked (original film)




Thanks, vbel. Very happy to hear you like "Hoodwinked"! And thanks for taking the time to check out the bonus disc material. As far as the sequel goes, Cory Edwards, Todd Edwards and I co-wrote the script and handed it off to Kanbar Entertainment. Mike Disa (director) did some rewriting, so in many ways we're in the same shoes as the rest of the audience— interested to see what the final product looks like. Thanks again, and be well!



I also enjoyed Hoodwinked sooo much! Thank you so much for giving us all a great animation flick! Question: Is Hoodwinked 2 a step up from the original or just okay?

The party lasted an entire week, and honestly, I don't remember most of it.


I think this one looks worse. The first one was smart and original, but this one just looks like your average poop jokes and nuts getting hit animated movie.

I am pro-CHOICE, not Pro-Abortion.


Hoodwinked was a gem, and the soundtrack is absolutely brilliant.

I will be seeing Hoodwinked 2, but I'm not too optimistic about it. I just hope that the sequel gets people to re-discover the first one - it is worth finding!



The first Hoodwinked is my favourite 3D animated movie for various reasons. Needless to say, I AM a bit disappointed by the trailer for the new one. Although I will certainly see the new movie, I surely hope it has more to show than the amount of fart and crotch jokes seen in the trailer (And it literally does that). Has it come to that, in order to give a supposed "greater" audience, the sequel had to dumb the humor down enough to please the fart joke audience :( ?


Tony thanks for your comments and thoughts, however ALL that matters is what's on the screen. The audience does not care if you poured your life's blood into a "poor man's Pixar film". The results speak for themselves and the vicious reviews of professional critics have vindicated my point of view, not yours.

I will readily admit that making movies involves more than just a little alchemy and luck, but then how to explain the success of lower budgeted and more creative efforts? Or higher budgeted and more creative efforts, for that matter?

Do everyone a favor and continue to scrimp and save on the animation (if you are so fortunate to be given the opportunity to make yet another animated movie) and hire some top-shelf talent for the story and dialog.

Best of luck to you and please, please, please spend more time away from filmmaking. Ripping off other, better films is lame. Rip off real life and everyone will enjoy the results far more.


I really enjoyed the humor in the original Hoodwinked and am hoping for more of the same. Hoodwinked is one of those movies that proves that it's the story that counts and the character development, not the stupid graphics. The graphics may be a different style or a step or two behind Pixar, but who cares? My kids and I laughed our a**es off at the original and we'll be in line for this one too.


I love to laugh at a clever, or exceedingly stupid movie. The first Hoodwinked was a tremendous disappointment and badly made.

Give me a hand-animated clay figure film with sharp dialog and a good story over a sloppy, poorly conceived movie any day.
