0% on Rotten Tomatoes!

8 negative, 0 positive

Oh, No. No! That is just too easy!



9 negative, 1 positive.

What's difficult is people not realizing that a lot of the reviews haven't come out yet. So, for whatever reason your celebrating some bad reviews for this movie, it's premature.

Idiots think analysis is magic. Michael Bay ruined those individuals' childhoods.


Of course Critics will probably trash this one just like the first, of course the audience and the critics are usually on-different terms when it comes to films.


Hoodwinked received 48% for critics and 58% for audiences. That's really not that far apart.

Though, right now HW2 is going 6% to 62%, respectively. It'll be interesting to see how that settles.

Then again, the people who like the Hoodwinked humor appreciate stale, clichéd comedy, so rehashing the same movie is actually a good thing in this rare case.


Cliched Comedy? Excuse me but that's a bad observation.


You're excused (do people really still say "excuse me but"? how cute!) but it's as bad an observation as noting your lack of substantiation to the contrary.

I guess this would be the forum where I'd most likely encounter an "Is not!"/"Is too!" style argument.

Much of the humor of Hoodwinked relies on the fact that you've heard it before. It's the heaviness of the winking which ultimately helps the film sink. The other half of the humor -- low-brow slapstick -- isn't light enough to carry this junk from the bottom of the cesspool where it lives.


It's all in opinion.


Some opinions are more lucid than others.

Gee, I bet you wish you could go back in time and whisper that nugget o' wisdom into your own ear before filling the room with your intelligence.



"Amazing how you can rip Michael Bay in your sig, but defend this PoS movie come hell or high water. You're probably too dense to see the inherent hypocrisy in that."

There is so much in the world you don't get, FinnTheHuman. I wasn't ripping Michael Bay, I was ripping people who got upset about the Transformers movie as upset as you are over Hoodwinked Too. It's too bad you're too incredibly unintelligent to be able to tell that.

"UPDATE: 5 Fresh, 41 Rotten. So much for the rally. But then again, you're right and it's the world that's wrong, eh Mr. Delusional?"

Yeah my "rally" (weird that you call it that) failed to get any of the critics to change their mind. Wait, how did you think me criticizing you on the internet was going to get a couple of critics to give it a good review? You're not really making any sense. The world isn't wrong, but you are. When people criticize the animation and the humor, well, when you criticize the animation and Wolf and Twitchy, it's you that just doesn't get it-not delusional-that's not the right word, just ignorance, you're just ignorant.

Idiots think analysis is magic. Michael Bay ruined those individuals' childhoods.



"You don't get it"...such a tremendously stupid rank and file magic bullet by people defending their idiotic mindset."

Okay, so let's talk about how you got it then.

"As if repeating what someone says almost verbatim is a sign of genius. []"

You don't know what verbatim is do you?

"Pot, meet kettle. I was talking about you saying that the majority of the critics hadn't reviewed it yet when it was at 1 fresh, 11 rotten. You insinuated that the numbers were going to get closer together, when in fact, they got even further apart."

I was criticizing you for jumping the gun on it. If they got closer, great, if not, that's fine. But considering the nature of rotten tomatoes it's a troll's mistake to stand there with a score that's going to change as his banner as to how bad the movie is going to suck. Did I insinuate that? No, but I'm sorry you couldn't pick up on that. I'm not defending the movie's critical success or justifying the critical failure. I am however correcting you.

"Says the guy that is judging them off the first movie and didn't see this one yet."

I'm not judging them off the first movie, I'm judging what I've seen of the sequel as well as the people who've seen both who say they're the same.

"Nice rambling in the last quote...might want to proofread your gibberish next time."

I did, I'm sorry you couldn't get it. It was all really quite simple.

Idiots think analysis is magic. Michael Bay ruined those individuals' childhoods.



"Considering I've never used it, that's a nice trick."

So you're aware you didn't get it? What are you saying? What have you never used?

"Apparently, you don't, because I used it correctly."

Haha. "You're probably too dense to see the inherent hypocrisy in that." You

"It's too bad you're too incredibly unintelligent to be able to tell that."

Is that what you're referring to? If so you really don't know what verbatim is.

"And there you go flip-flopping when your case is going south. I wasn't even involved in the conversation when you were defending the 1 fresh 11 rotten."

I'm not flip-flopping, I wasn't "defending 1 fresh 11 rotten". I was just criticizing a couple of idiots who jumped the gun on the matter.

"At least pore over the crap that flows from your fingers before you write another lie to cover up."

I'm not covering anything up, idiot.

"You saw a 2 minute trailer and are only accepting positive reviews. Lovely."

I saw the TV spots as well that had additional information in them which is where I saw the Hoodwinked Too joke that haunts your dreams. The review that discussed (something you can't do) Wolf and Twitchy being consistent was actually in a negative review. If you're going to be thrilled about rotten tomatoes having negative reviews you can at least read a couple.

"Because I said you were rambling doesn't mean that I didn't "get it"."

You saying I was rambling and talking about how what I was discussing was rambling doesn't have any thing to do with you not getting the movie. But what I said in those few lines made sense, if you didn't get it that's fine, you didn't get the movie either. At least your being consistent in that regard.

Idiots think analysis is magic. Michael Bay ruined those individuals' childhoods.


Hey, sorry that took me so long. It's been a long week and it's been difficult for me to make it to theaters. Major pacing issues and Hayden's choice of how to handle the character of Red and the lack of musical numbers in the film, it was really great. Wolf and Twitchy were top notch as they were in the first movie.

Idiots think analysis is magic. Michael Bay ruined those individuals' childhoods.



Hasn't gotten much better, either...something along the lines of 51 negative and 6 positive. Perhaps they waited too long to make the sequel, although you'd think in all that time, they could have done a better job with the script, the storyline. Oh well, such is life in the movie business.


LOL Rotten Tomatoes isn't the least bit reliable XD
