Why is Mr. Tilney...

irritated when he and Mrs. Allen bump into each other? I understand crowds can be frustrating, but I didn't think him to be the type to just go to walk off after he's bumped shoulders with a lady. I thought he would have been somewhat apologetic on his own accord?

Does he consider it to be Mrs. Allen's fault? Do you think he just had a disagreement with his father?



I didn't think he seemed irritated with Mrs Allen. He apologised, made some light hearted conversation, found the ladies seats and then made sure they were properly introduced, in accordance with the rules of society at the time.

Why did he seem irritated to you?

The people have appointed me. I am their leader. I must follow them.



Maybe he knows how irritating these old ladies could be and he wants to avoid Mrs Allan. But then he sees Catherine and realised, that this time he has a chance to get to know nice and pretty girl.

/sorry if my English isn't good/


I can see where he might have been irritated or perhaps he did have a row with his father, he seems to do a 360 when he sees Catherine though. :)


Thanks for all of your thoughts. He does seem to perk up when he sees Catherine. His face looks irritated when he bumps into Catherine's aunt and his intention to rush as soon as they knock into each other.


LOL! He DOES look irritated though. I noticed about the third time I watched it that he rolls his eyes when Mrs Allen says "excuse me" or whatever. It's hilarious and SO out of character for lovely Mr Tilney..


I have not read the book....

When does Tilney fall in love with Catherine?

I have to chuckle though, when I first viewed this I had a feeling that Henry Tilney was evil and I kept waiting from him to do something despicable, but he never does, LOL!

Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.


You really should read Austen's books. They're so much better than any of the movies.

This particular book is not close to being a favorite, but it's still way better than this movie.



He's probably irritated at being pressed from every side, just as Catherine was when she first when to the Rooms.

We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails. - Bertha Calloway


I thought I was imagining things! I'm not sure, that's rather out of character, isn't it? Maybeit was hw she reacted... it really wasn't that big a deal and here she is shreiking about her muslin. Anyway, what matters is that he DID stop to apologize and even get the pin out of her dress for her.
