MovieChat Forums > Starship Troopers 3: Marauder (2008) Discussion > Pointless and gratuitous nudity...

Pointless and gratuitous nudity...

Title says it all. At least in the first film it was meant to show a more equalized gender treatment. What is the nudity in this film suppose to show? That in the future, x-ray can't penetrate clothes and the scanner will always be located in front of your crotch?



best part in the movie = nude women x-ray.

rest = tripe.


unfortunately the only person that i wanted to see nude was blalock but for some reason this is the only movie shes been in that she didnt do atleast partial.

"come with me if you want to live,no seriously your screwed here"


the pointless and gratuitous nudity is a tradition in making a Starship Trooper film. you may recall the legend and lore of director Paul Verhoven after becoming frustrated with the actors who balked at doing the shower scene in the first film; to their horror, removed his clothing and got in the shower with them as some sort of act of solidarity all while yelling at them and berating them. so now, it just wouldn't be the same without it.


exactly, didn't know about the director doing that though. This is a Starship Troopers film; when they got naked for nothing, it was no surprise b/c they have to fit it in somewhere. I like how future military commercials will have nudity as well.


I thought the Nudity..which relates to the suits was pretty hysterical.I liked that scene towards the end.


The whole sequence was like a pornographic version of the Power Rangers... I half expected Rico to yell "Tyrannosaurus!"...

I still don't get why they had to be naked in order to... Actually, what were they doing? They just decided to be naked for no reason.

Why the hell would you need to get naked to get into a power suit? Iron Man didn't get naked, those guys in the Matrix didn't get naked, and even the Rocketeer didn't get naked.

So, WTF?

But yes, it is the only watchable scene in the whole film.


With the expection of the SPARTAN II's in Halo who quite literally wore their armor as a body suit, there is no need to strip down to pilot a battle frame like a Marauder. Like the first film, it's just for the gratuitus nudity for the sake of the college frat boy crowd.


With the exception of the SPARTAN II's in Halo who quite literally wore their armor as a body suit, there is no need to strip down to pilot a battle frame like a Marauder.

Someone needs to read "The Forever War".
It was done a LONG time ago, and much better.


The shower scene was actually relativey well done, the nudity wasn't the focus and the point was to establish the MI as blind to gender. No excuses for Dizzy getting nude in the tent though


And in Starcraft 2 there was no point either! If you saw the announcement trailer, you can clearly see the marine wears his prisoner pants when he gets sealed into his powered armor. No shirt or shoes though.

Actually, even in Starship Troopers 3 they do wear clothes while wearing the Marauder armor. Remember at the end when Rico steps out of the armor?

The scene was just an excuse to see naked girl boobs like Starship Troopers 1.


Got to disagree with you there...
First one (movie), the shower scene, did serve a purpose.It was to show that gender no longer played a role. In this one... I think they did explain the reason why they had to be naked (they had to be "connected" to the suit). And not that I have anything against seeing a naked woman, but I am capable to judge acting. Still.... Rico's character, worst actor ever!!!

People are just jealous, because "voices" are talking only to me...


There's no such thing as Pointless and gratuitus nudity. :D




If I remember correctly, in the book "Armor" by John Steakley, the solders strip down to get in their suits. They were not allowed to even wear a cross or any other type of jewelry. In the book, one guy was shot and when they removed his suit to operate, his crucifix was lodged in his chest.

Si vis pacem, para bellum.


what is the name of the girls getting naked in this movie?
i tought i recognized at least one of them from a high school movie of sorts


Lt. Manion is played by Cecile Breccia. She was in the movie "The Hills Have Eyes".


Steakley's "Armor" is an awesome book! I would love for him to write more. The only other pieces of his I have found to read were Vampire$ (the basis for the John Carpenter movie starring James Woods, at least the first part), and a short story in the Horseclans series.

Anyone looking for a good power-armor vs bugs story must read this book and the original Starship Troopers.
Thank God I'm an atheist.


You had to see girl parts. Oh, cry!

Seriously, grow up!


I'm all for seeing naked people, but unless it's a pornographic film, there needs to be some credible reason.

Why do they need to get naked to get into the suit? That's like saying you need to strip naked before you get in a car.

I mean, the sole excuse the film gave was that they were doing some "cybernetic interface", if that was the case, why didn't they need to shave their hair? Why would you need to strip completely naked for such a procedure? Are they going to insert an anal probe in order to establish the interface?

Both the nude scenes in the original film had valid excuses; one being the shower, and the other sex. What's the excuse in this film? Mighty Strippin' Power Rangers time?


And seriously, if they still cannot produce body armor that stops the limb of an Arachnid, why even bother wearing them? Might as well just tell *every* soldier to strip naked on the battlefield.


Your problem lies in the false notion that you can impose plausibility onto this film.

But, to play along for a minute, who are you to say what the rules of a sci-fi world are, anyway? Maybe nudity was necessary for some reason. The doctor makes you get naked for certain procedures in our own world; is it so impossible to believe that some kind of futuristic multi-scanner is more effective without clothing, belts, and buttons in the way?

You don't dictate the rules of this world - the screenwriter does (unfortunately, for the author of the original story did a much better job of it).


I agree with Lsdazrael.

To a certain extent, almost anything in a movie script can be titled "gratuitous".

For example:

A scene calls for a guy and girl walking on a beach having a conversation. If the girl is in a skimpy bikini, is that gratuitous? she could just as easily be in shorts and a shirt. It's a costume choice.

Of course, context plays a role-- is it summer? winter?-- but you get the idea.

Essentially, "gratuitous" can be defined as actions/dialog/costumes that are not really needed to further the plot or story. But as Lsdazrael stated, the world in which the film is constructed is not dictated by the audience.



Nudity is only pointless if the people are ugly, and never gratuitous.


they needed to strip down so they could be scanned so that the machine they would be interacting with would be customized to the body type. the machines insides would then change to the prefrence of that person. or would you rather them all got into the same prototype weapon all at different heights all at different weights and body mass and have it magically be a perfect fit for all of them?

"come with me if you want to live,no seriously your screwed here"


or would you rather them all got into the same prototype weapon all at different heights all at different weights and body mass and have it magically be a perfect fit for all of them?

Right... Because if they were clothed, they would magically be the same weight, height, and body mass (which is the same as weight, dunno why you put it twice); and the scanners will go crazy and kill everyone.

So they got naked just in case.

And just like in real life, when doctors measure our weight and height, we have to strip naked. Hooray for future technology!!!

The real reason they had to strip naked was probably because they were going to actually put some sort of spinal implant on them (like the Matrix), but of course they didn't have the budget for the special effects, so they were just naked followed by the Power Rangers sequence.

Lame, really. And the "scanning beam" didn't even focus on anything. If the armour was indeed customized to each person, they should have at least had the beams draw some geometric patterns based on their physical anatomy.

A REAL director would have cut the whole scene out or at least made it more plausible. It IS pointless and gratuitous. The fact that it is the only watchable scene in the whole film just goes to show how bad this film is.

Yet for some reason, you are all still defending it.



You don't need a personalized seat for the cockpit of a mech. Do I need a scanning (a naked one to say the least), to fit in a car? No. If they're just going to sit in front of a terminal counter filled with buttons, and then exit from a ramp in the back, they don't need to be scanned to fit in some big-ass mech. So you don't need a scan to DRIVE a mech.

If they were to WEAR cybernetic suits, a scanning would be mandatory. Would you have to be naked for the scan? No clue. Guess it depends on the suit....


They could have worn spandex bodysuits. The scanners could have scanned them with their clothes on, and the suits would have been built to accomadate their clothed bodies (makes sense, right?). It WAS gratuitous, there was no reason for it other than titilation. Personally I find the concept of stripping down co-ed like it's no big deal to be rather disturbing...


How can we say what we would need for the cockpit of a mech...we dont even have them nor we will probably even see them. Think of it militarily, it ultra classified high tech stuff, I would guess they'd want these things to operate effiecently(sp) as possible, meaning theyd be able to 'anticipate' what we do. I'd understand more if they were massed produced, then I can say yeah it'd be like driving a car.

Beside I was wondering how long it take to have a nude scene come along, and as soon as Rico chose his squad I knew it was next...seriously half his squad women, no brainer right?


"There's no such thing as pointless and gratuitous nudity."

He he he... I so wish to do brunette... Yeah, I'm a guy... hate me for all you can. And see If I give two f#cks about it. Ladies I love ya... but for f#cks sake... once you open your mouth... Damn... , all I want is to f#ck with you, then I am going to fall asleep.

I'm such an a$shole... he he he...I'm sure I offended the lot of you... Still, I found it funny.

People are just jealous, because "voices" are talking only to me...


or would you rather them all got into the same prototype weapon all at different heights all at different weights and body mass and have it magically be a perfect fit for all of them?

Right... Because if they were clothed, they would magically be the same weight, height, and body mass (which is the same as weight, dunno why you put it twice); and the scanners will go crazy and kill everyone.

actually mass and weight are different. mass is an actual measurement of the body. weight involves the gravitational pull on the individual.


What he said. For instance, a 6' 220 lb man could be extremely flabby with little to no muscle mass, and a large protruding gut. OR he could be a bodybuilder with 3% bodyfat, and veins popping everywhere. Two guys, same weight, two different body masses.


sorry, i have to be that guy (even four years late):

same weight, height, and body mass (which is the same as weight, dunno why you put it twice)

If you were on Mars, you would be just as massive, but you would have a lower weight, because mass is the amount of matter, whereas weight has to do with gravitational force.



Nudity is only pointless if the people are ugly, and never gratuitous.

laughing my ass off...

Last thing on my mind is to see ugly f#cks naked.

Gotta love funny posts such as yours.

People are just jealous, because "voices" are talking only to me...


There is nothing gratuitous about nudity.
