
Why........must Python be so hard? What the sin was Kojima thinking with this sadistically, annoyingly, frustratingly, puke inducingly difficult assgoblin?

Every ounce of my being is compelling me to shelve this game and pray that the nightmares stop....but I've decided to be bigger than that and ask for help. Please, does anyone have any tips on how to beat this guy?


A few tips that should make Python a bit easier:

-RUN! You can't take him head on, and if you go too close to him he'll freeze your weapon.

-Have medical kits and rations in your inventory, in case he catches up.

-Use a tranquiliser gun/stun grenades to take him down. (There's a Mosin Nogant not far from the first door in the nuke storage)

-You can use thermal goggles to see him through the fog.

Someone's gotta go first.


I know!

I'm starting to really HATE PYTHON!

Blame it on the Nanomachines, bitch.


Before you begin take 2 shotguns and a ration. Just stand in the corner and wait for him to run close to you. Shoot him (in first person)and stand your ground. He'll get up and either step towards you or he'll take a few steps back; this is where you shoot him again. It may take a second or two after he gets up, but you can shoot him before he can attacks.
It's the cheap alternative to beating him, but...
