Superbad Ripoffs

Okay, so I'm 6 minutes into this and I've already seen massive amounts of things ripped off from Superbad.

First, the initial character set-up. There's a normal looking kid, a fat kid, and a skinny dorky kid. The normal looking kid and the skinny dorky kid are going to be going to the same good college. The fat kid is obnoxious and always making dick and sex jokes. Exactly the set up of Superbad.

Second, they especially make Andrew Caldwell duplicate Jonah Hill's character. And he does it poorly. Caldwell's character says "C'mon, I gotta pee I need you to shake it." Jonah Hill's character said almost the exact same thing to the effect of "I gotta pee, c'mon, my dick's not gonna shake itself." He also does the same mocking dick-sucking motions that Hill's character does.

Third, as they are all in the school hallway, the skinny dorky kid sees a hot girl who he obviously likes but has no idea who he is. The same thing happens with Fogel in Superbad.

And that's only 6 minutes in. It seems like the guys who wrote this watched Superbad over and over and thought, hey, we could do this. Just make it about College instead of high school. Guess what guys, YOU FAILED!


Just watched it and that is exactly what I thought, this could easily be Superbad 2. Felt like American Pie the Naked Mile mixed in with Superbad.


This movie is exactly the same at every part as Superbad, just absolutely pathetic attempt at a ripoff.


College was made before Superbad but it didn't come out before because LionsGate dropped it in '07 but MGM picked it up in '08. I think you just watch Superbad too much so any teenage comedy now is like it (and it wasn't even original in the first place because Superbad was an updated American Pie and College was like a new Porky's or Revenge of the Nerds, two movies that American Pie rode off). Even Sex Drive which isn't similar at all except that the kids in it want to have sex which is like real life teens. And if Caldwell's character is a ripoff of Seth from that movie, I'm a ripoff of Superbad because I'm in a similar group where there's a resident stereotypical nerdy one, a regular one, and a kind of obnoxious joke-cracker. Those kind of packs of buddies exist, fellow, and I've been apart of several tripods like that throughout my life since I was seven or eight, which was in the '90s before Superbad was even written.


Well, fellow, if you hung around kids that act like Caldwell's character I just feel bad for you. He's annoying as *beep* in that movie.


He's an exaggeration of the typical funny one in a trio of friends.


Actually, Superbad was WRITTEN about 10 years ago, and it was quite public the Hollywood essence. It's like the writers saw Rogen's script and tried to get this out before Superbad. Surprised there isn't a lawsuit. This is SUCH a complete ridiculous ripoff that its pathetic.


Just because it was written ten years ago means the script was released ten years ago. Why copy the script of a movie not made yet? You should make sure it's out first to know it's a success and worthy of ripping off.


they did the script reading in 2003


And? That doesn't mean the script was out yet for College to copy all the elements they know people will like from Superbad. No one's gonna find any leaked script like Meet the Spartans if it's not out yet because they don't know it sucks at that point.


lol at lawsuit... If Superbad tried to sue College, then that means American Pie needs to sue Superbad, and Porky's needs to sue American Pie.

Please...all of these movies are the same. How many plots do you think there could possibly be about some kids wanting to get laid?


College was too jerked off esp the party scene and if you look at it in the context of Superbad ya it's ripped!!


Anyone care to tell me whose the normal looking one in Superbad because to me there was two nerds and a fat guy. But yeah i automatically thought of superbad when the dude said "I gotta pee and i need you to shake it" And the skinny dorky kid as you call him Yeah liked that girl he waved at but i seem to remember him hooking up with a completely different girl where as in superbad Fogel hooked up with the girl he liked. but i liked college is a good movie

<Even A Devil May Cry>
<i think every one on IMDB should just go be critics since they know every last little thing that makes a good movie..hell you know what How about everyone on IMDB just go be film makers instead im sure they could since they are just such experts on everything!>


college has original jokes. i never thought of how they copy one line from superbad (the shaking pee one) but big deal. all the people who know that there is a formula to these movies are making sense on this board, and all of the people who think college ripped off superbad need to get smarter about comedy. where in superbad was there a party full of glow in the dark strap-ons? mclovin, or the dude from road trip? not sure what the morris character is more like. because mclovin was cool as *beep* and this morris guy was just there. anyways i am about to write a message about how the carter character is a perfect substitute for farley. i mean i cried when farley died, but its time for some more chubby physical comedy...
