could still be on if...

this has been said before, but i think this show could still be on the air if it hadn't been cheaply made by disney and if they had stuck more closely to the books.

the actual books are as dark, if not darker than game of thrones. the "denna" episode was just a taste of how dark the book really were. the show could have been awesome if they hadn't gone with that episodic format that is dead now. people want to watch a serial drama where the story from one episode flows to the next.

this show was more serialized than xena and hercules, but it was not on par with games of thrones or even spartacus (which was produced by the same people as seeker and lasted longer).


This show was on WGN it was dead before it aired. The only people that watched were either people who read the book or someone channel surfing. Obviously the book readers only watched hoping it would be put out of its misery. I watched it not expecting much and I was surprised how decent it was for WGN. But comparing it too Manhattan or Salem it sucked these shows got a way higher production value.


I don't think that WGN was to blame. WGN is doing two other shows now: Salem and Manhattan. I don't watch Manhattan, but I do watch Salem and that show is doing pretty well, or so it seems. Salem doesn't have filler episodes like LotS did and the story is dark and full of twists and turns that develop from one episode to the next. I firmly believe that LotS could still be on the air if it stayed true to the books because there was so much material there.


I've never understood that mentality. It would have been boring as hell if it "stayed true to the books." I'd have known EXACTLY WHAT WOULD HAPPEN EVERY WEEK. BOOORRRRRRIIIIIINNNGGGGGGG. Wake me up when something new happens, I'll be watching something good instead.

What is wrong with fanboys, I just don't get it? It's just like A Game of Thrones. I understand why people who never read the books have made it a huge hit. It's a great show for folks who have not been introduced to the awesome ASoIaF story. But for someone like me who has followed the book for a decade; I've watched a couple of episodes and... well, wake me up when the series that passes the current book comes out.

That's why Seeker failed, the audience they needed to cater to was the non-readers. The retro - low budget look turned them away. As a fan of the books though I loved Seeker. It was new episodic stories in the SoT series... cool. And the further away from SoT's storyline it got, the better and more free the writing got.

Seeker and the even shorter lived Dresden Files show were good BECAUSE they didn't chain themselves to the storylines of the books. And I don't get why more people don't like MORE content, and instead settle for REHASH. Then again, lotsa folks like reality TV... "stupid is" I suppose.

"Who built this f#(%!^g police station." -- Leon Kennedy


totally agree.

Actually, I think the show was great-it just didn't get the publicity that it should have got. I don't care what anybody says the acting was great and I base that on the fact that I loved Richard and you are suppose to love Richard and I loved Kahlan because you are suppose to and I felt the pangs of love longing they both had for each other. And of course I love Bruce...and later when Cara came into the story I felt the pain and loss that she had in her life and how she couldn't show it.

What I loved about the show is that they at least didn't leave each season with a cliff now when I want to go back and watch it-I can and it ends beautifully. Too bad it couldn't go on but at least if people start watching it on Hulu then when they get to the end they get an ending. I watched Atlantis and was sorely disappointed that BBC didn't close the story out. I think they knew it was going to be cancelled and they still left it at a cliff hanger...

And I definitely don't think it was watered down...if it was watered down then Richard's father would not have died in it...children don't like to see that. I would say that this show is not for kids under the age of 12-because there's a lot to be explained with all the leather and whips and mother confessors who basically rape the fathers of their children.


They made it too childish. It was entertaining, don't get me wrong, but they should have made it more mature and not dumbed down for the audience. Kinda like LOTR or GOT without the sex scenes and nudity. LOTS had potential. If only it was given to different people to handle instead.


I was channel surfing and seen it. till this day I haven't read the books nor do I have any interest in reading them.

"Some would say I'm the reverse
We are Enemies, Rivals, Opposites"


As soon as Sam raimi joined in I knew this series would ultimately fail.
Which sucks because the woman they cast for Kahlan looked 100% how I pictured her, not to mention a perfect cast choice for Zedd.
Then one day Raimi announced the format of the show, and that a whole lot of the story would be cut to appeal to a lower content rating and just like that Legend of the Seeker was doomed to fail before they even started filming...
Once again, *beep* execs destroy a perfect opportunity to make an awesome adaption of an awesome book series.
If Dave and Dan hadn't gotten to HBO first for game of thrones, there's a chance this story would have made it to HBO, and we would have seen Richard say "blade be true this day" and KNOW some epic crazy bloody fight scene is about to commence :P
