Should I watch this?

I came across this recently and was really drawn to it. It looks quite interesting and I've been wanting to give it a go.

But I also read that the show was 'cancelled' after season 2?
Is it still worth watching even if that's the case? Like do they end season 2 well or are there questions left unanswered and annoying cliff hangers that don't get resolved?

It does look interesting so I'd like to hear people's opinions on whether to go ahead and watch this or not.



Yes definitely. Great fantasy show with superb effects, rip roaring action, drop dead gorgeous women and a hero to root for. It does have an ending of sorts if I remember. Must watch. I was hooked from the opening seconds,


I enjoy it, and have watched it multiple times.

It has an ending. The next season would have started a new story. There are a few loose endings, but nothing big IMO. There is a major issue that's...we'll, it's resolved, but it's not really obvious. They were probably going to make it clear later, but the ending is still there.

Captain Rex: In my book, experience outranks everything.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars


Thanks heaps both of you! Decided I will give this a go. I hope I enjoy it just as much


Read the books instead
