Don't get it

I watched it., and overall i just don't really get it. I've tried to find a complete summary of the story to understand it better, but i can't find it.
Maybe i should watch it again, but i just don't have the time for it. I have watched plenty of asian movies and alot of them were confusing but i did get them. Long story short...

Anyone have a summary of the story or a link to it?


I watched it this morning and i don't get it too, i watched several other asian movie but this one, left me confused, maybe if i watched it twise i understand better... perhaps i'm just don't on the mood of j-horror.


So, at its most basic level this film was about a ghost seeking vengeance on the people on the deck of that ferry who saw her in the window of that asylum 15 years ago by making them commit murder over trivial things. It's like she said at the end, "I died so everyone else should die too". The twist is that Yoshioka was also coerced into murdering his girlfriend some time ago, but he had no memory of the event and was imagining that she was still alive. If you pan back a bit from that central premise you can see that there were others haunted by ghosts, such as the paramedic in the psychiatrist's office, so things do not actually seem to be so isolated. Social upheaval and apocalyptic imagery are some of Kurosawa's trademarks which would also account for this and the recurring earthquakes, dilapidated buildings, open spaces, landfills, etc. On that same thread I thought the underlying theme was about untenable foundations both in relation to the decaying city of Tokyo and the characters' crumbling collective psyche. But of course with Kurosawa much is left unanswered and perhaps in a metaphorical sense the ghost did not exist either, merely acting as a corporeal manifestation of the guilt and shame that cause people to commit evil acts. It really just depends on how literally you want to interpret the movie.

"No Murray its not a real hawk, just life-like hawk sounds."
