MovieChat Forums > The Kids Are All Right (2010) Discussion > If You're a Lesbian, Please Explain Why....

If You're a Lesbian, Please Explain Why...

...lesbians (not necessarily all lesbians) are turned on by watching gay-dude porn? I have a friend who's a blazing fem-lez, and she's exactly like that.


I'm a fem-lez too, and well. I like gay porn, but only with sort-of feminine dudes. It turns me on when men are put in submissive positions. >;3 But that's just me. I enjoy lesbian porn more.


Sounds like you have flickering heterosexuality that your denying.

I see Stupid People...


I'm a straight female and I LOVE gay guy porn! Can't explain why, I just do.

Academy Awards = the Creme de la Creme of Bull Sh*t


You're attracted to men that makes sense. Why on earth would lesbians watch gay male porn though? Other than for the lulz.

"Unless Alpert's covered in bacon grease, I don't think Hugo can track anything."


I know a lesbian who is really turned on by videos of guys wanking off. Sexuality is weird, simple as that.

If only we'd been taller, we would have seen the giants coming.


Not ALL lesbians like that, everyone is different. Stereotyping is bad.

Academy Awards = the Creme de la Creme of Bull Sh*t


I'm sorry, it just makes no sense. If you like gay man porn you are not a lesbian. You are bisexual. Just as if a straight man liked gay porn, he wouldn't be straight. He would be gay.

The Kids are All Right - 9/10
Hall Pass - 6/10



I have a theory that EVERYBODY is naturally gay, but over the years it's been unacceptable to be gay so people pretend to be straight. I also blame the writers of the bible. I'm a Roman Catholic, so I've read my bible and know what a load of crap it is!

Academy Awards = the Creme de la Creme of Bull Sh*t


"I have a theory that EVERYBODY is naturally gay, but over the years it's been unacceptable to be gay to people pretend to be straight. I also blame the writers of the bible. I'm a Roman Catholic, so I've read my bible and know what a load of crap it is!"

I have a theory that you're a moron.

Who am I kiddin' who am I foolin' when they be like "What's up Fatlip?" and I say "Coolin'."


There was a study a few years ago about what visual stimuli (PORN) turns men and women on.

Men were definitely specific about what they were turned on by--reflecting their sexual orientation. If they were straight, they liked looking at women only. If they were gay, they liked looking at men only.

Women? They were NOT specific at all. They could be turned on by watching straight, gay, or lesbian porn on almost all the same level.

Women just respond to sensuality in general. Men are turned on by the specific object of their desire (i.e. either women only, or men only).

Women are more abstract about their sexuality--they respond to different factors OTHER than the specific gender, body size, etc.... the usual visual schtick that men are driven by. The reason why Men are so visual, is cuz it drives their sexuality and their need to have sex, and therefore procreate. If men were not this, shall we say, easily aroused and horny towards a specific gender, the human race would not multiply so easily lol.


No one is naturally "gay" or "straight"...sexuality is a spectrum.


Can you account for the fact that human beings still exist given the fact that deep down we're all homosexuals (per your 'theory')?


As crazy as I think some of the Bible's not as crazy as thinking we are naturally gay. You can't be serious. I understand gay people have been mistreated for a very long time. But that does mean the plug wasn't originally tended to go in the outlet. The outlet can't go in the outlet. You can play with the outlet and get it's sparks going but, the plug is the only thing that fits. It sounds like you are so caught up with the idea of how gays have been ostracized, which is true no doubt, that you don't see the basic logic here. I mean you do and I wouldn't exist if a man AND a woman wan't involved.

The Kids are All Right - 9/10
Hall Pass - 6/10




As crazy as I think some of the Bible's not as crazy as thinking we are naturally gay.

Homosexuality has been found in most creatures in the animal kingdom. Why can't it be the same for humans?

Son, you got a panty on your head.



Well, my post was 3 years ago so my memory of this conversation is vague. Maybe I worded some things incorrectly. But I do remember is the person I was responding to wasn't only saying homosexuality is natural, but heterosexuality *isn't*, which is ridiculous. And that the only reason straight people exist, is because gay people have been ostracized so much to the point of turning straight. It's such a ridiculous, insane belief and that was what I was responding to. I don't remember all the details and don't care to read everything over again, and I wasn't saying homosexuality isn't natural and that it doesn't happen in nature, just that sex is intended to create life biologically and to say we are supposed to be gay is absurd, in the context the person was saying it. Biologically it just makes no sense to say we are naturally gay, in the context they were using. That once basically everyone was gay. We wouldn't even be sitting here having this conversation, human life as we know it wouldn't even exist. I'm not saying it's not natural to happen, but I do not think it is how things were biologically intended, because there's only one way we create life.

Not to mention if this were the case, wouldn't more people be gay? Since it's becoming more and more accepted everyday. And if everyone was gay at first, who were the ones who created this issue in the first place? It's such a strange, nonsensical theory that I can barely even wrap my head around it.


this is a funny theory and it doesn't make much sense.
over the years it's been unacceptable to be gay? does that mean it was acceptable before? if it was, than how did ppl reproduced?

also, i thought it was the opposite... back when our grandparents were kids, it was unacceptable to be gay but we're getting better (we're not there quite yet but i have hope)

i think your "theory" is extremely close-minded and you need to open your eyes to all the flaws this theory has.

can't you just accept that everyone is different?
why do we need to be all the same?


I'd forgotten about that post until reading your reply to it. I don't know what I wrote, but I'm pretty sure it's inaccurate since I was 14 at the time (I am now 15 and possess a noticeably higher level of maturity). I apologize if the ramblings of a young girl have offended you, or anyone else.

Academy Awards = the Creme de la Creme of Bull Sh*t


I'd say you're close, Emily, but I'd put it differently. My theory is that sexuality isn't as neat and tidy as we like to believe. I think most, if not all, of us, have the potential to be bisexual under the right circumstances. Some people know it; others repress it. Many are almost 100 percent gay or almost 100 percent straight.

Plenty would disagree with me, but probably because it scares them! As for me, I identify as a straight woman. However, do I have those "Hmm, what would it be like to be with a woman?" moments? Yup, now and then. I don't think I'll ever have a relationship with a woman, but if I was alone on a desert island with a woman you can bet I would.


If you like gay man porn you are not a lesbian. You are bisexual. Just as if a straight man liked gay porn, he wouldn't be straight. He would be gay.
That's such a generalization though. Many people who view adult entertainment watch subjects that they have no interest in actually participating in. Sexuality isn't so clear cut. It's much more fluid a concept than most like admit.

And Jules explained it in the movie- women generally don't exhibit too many physical outward "symptoms" of being aroused, whereas men do. That's their way of putting it back in their sex life.

The night is a very dark time for me.


No, it's just a fact. I'm not saying everyone who has SEEN gay porn must be gay. I'm pretty sure I have at one point, but not for sexual purposes. But if a man repeatedly seeks out gay porn, with the intention of pleasuring himself, that mas in gay, or at least bisexual.

Paranormal Activity 3 - 7/10
Moneyball- 8/10


If you like gay man porn you are not a lesbian. You are bisexual. Just as if a straight man liked gay porn, he wouldn't be straight. He would be gay.

Good Lord, I love all the sex experts on this forum!


I'm flattered but really I just know the meaning of the words gay, bisexual and lesbian. If that make me an "expert", good, I'll take it.


I thought it was weird as well but lets look at it like this: I'm a straight woman and I get turned on by lesbian porn.. As I'm sure straight men are turned on by lesbian porn as well.. Does that make us gay? No.. Like someone mentioned before, sexuality is weird. It is not black and white. Nothing is concrete. It is what it is.


For a second I thought they were watching the gay porn to keep from arriving too early. Like when a guy is having sex and thinks of non-sexual things to pro-long the orgasm.



My boyfried, hetero, loves lesbian porn. I don't get that either.


Has no one here heard of Alfred Kinsey?


