Yaya daCosta

she's really hot, best looking woman in the film, and the best hair, for real. She should be getting lots more work...

"With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility"
Stan Lee, 1962


YES!!! Indeed, Ya Ya is Gorgeous!


I didn't like the fact that she went nude, though. I really admired her since she was on ANTM. I think she sold herself short on this one.

Excuse me--ya'll lookin' for a dead body??


In her defense, I saw the nudity as part of her character. She and Paul were compatible because they were both natural, organic free spirits and didn't believe in conventionalism. Then Paul got a taste of family life, changed on her and blew her off.


I was really put off by the fact that once again a black woman was portrayed as something sexy, sexual and exotic to be enjoyed. A good time girl for mid-night sex but not someone to fall in love with or start a family with. It is nice to see black actresses in mainstream films, but not in this demeaning manner. I would have rather them cast a white actress because at least her character would have been offset by other white actresses.

I am also sick of black women being cast in sex scenes with white men where there is not tenderness or affection, simply wild sex. It's the Monster's Ball syndrome (though it existed long before that film). I've seen it time and time again, and quite frankly, it has gotten old.



I'm just putting this out there for a healthy discussion/debate, not to argue with you. If you're sick of the way "black women are being cast in sex scenes" and it's "gotten old" then why don't you contact the actual actresses themselves who are agreeing to be paid? They're the ones who are auditioning for these "demeaning" roles and they're the ones agreeing to be paid for their acting. So THEY should be blamed, not the director or casting director.

It's different if a white actress were in blackface....that's just plain insulting and hurtful. But if a black actress auditions for a part that has her as an object of lust with a white man and she's not "marriage material" then I think that those who object should object to the actress who agreed to be in that role. No one twisted her arm....she's not doing it against her will. She went to the audition, they told her the role, she got cast, signed a contract, and got paid. So if an audience member was offended by it, then they should take it up with the actress herself, no one else.

On a side-note, this actress Yaya was just lovely.



Agree with your last sentence certainly. Look for her as the son's girlfriend in The Butler.


If an audience member was offended by how the actress was portrayed, then they have every right to state that opinion on a PUBLIC message board. You're just going to have to deal with that.
