MovieChat Forums > The Kids Are All Right (2010) Discussion > Julianne Moore character falls for Mark ...

Julianne Moore character falls for Mark but Annette Bening prevents them

What is the supposed to be about as Annette Bening clearly prevents her partner from falling for Mark Ruffallo.

Is this about oppressive relationships?

Julianne Moore has a bath made for her and Annette Bening ignores her to work and drink.

Jullianne snogs Mark and end up shagging him, funny scence where she unbuttons his trousers to see his dong which she has missed.

Annette Bening finds out and breaks them up. Annette mentions later that she knows of Jullianne bisexuality with disapproval as she is lesbian.

Jullianne feels she must break up with Mark because of Annette. Also the whole family are scared of Annette too.

Annette turns the family against Julianne and she sleeps on the sofa.

He is removed from seeing his kids by Annette and somehow we are supposed to understand this.

They do not have a free relationship, in the real world people do wander off to they are attracted to, not stay in forceful relationships. This is marriage does not work and divorce is common.


Of course this is just a movie, in real life, things would have worked out differently.


The ending should have been Julianne + Mark and the kids... The actual ending was a let down and a cruelty to Mark's character.



"He" almost broke them up?

Wasn't "She" the one who made the moves on him? Wasn't "She" the one who was married with kids?

But he's the problem here.... Interesting.


Well, they had known Jules for 18/15 years, and known Paul for one month... And considering Jules is also married to their other mom Nic, I can understand why it's more important to the kids to keep Jules in their lives rather than Paul... It's not like they weren't also angry with Jules, too.

And just because Jules made moves on him... was he not able to put a stop to it? I don't get that logic.


That "logic" is pretty simple. I'll spell it out for you:

"He" didn't almost break up the family, if anything I would say "they" did. You know, giving equal responsibility to both people. In fact, he actually liked her but she was just doing it for sex. So, since she was the one who initiated it, and she was the one who was in a committed relationship.....I would put the majority of the blame on her, personally. I mean, he was reacting to her actions as someone with very little invested at that point. He didn't seek her out or seduce her. So it would be a stretch to say "he" almost broke the family up. Should be take responsibility for his actions? Well of course, but his kids and her partner should really be upset at Julianne Moore's character and question her integrity more so than his.


No....she ends the fling because she chooses her family....she makes the right choice, not it of fear but out of love...


This movie is written and directed by a lesbian, so you're going to get a lesbian-friendly conclusion.

I see Stupid People...


...except she backtracked in recent interviews and says she's now fluid. She wrote a movie that caters towards the male audience, you're supposed to feel sorry for him
