
I have to say I was surprised by the film. I expected something totally different. First the lesbian can't wait to jump on the first guy that shows her a little attention. Also they watch gay porn; just thought that made no sense. Plus the film seemed to point out that two woman can't raise a son. The son is making all sorts of bad choices with this friend, and mothers tell him about it. He of course doesn't listen, but all it takes is for his pseudo-father figure to warn him once and he turns it all around. Honestly the message of the film isn't clear at all.


The fact that some people call this movie "liberal claptrap" while others call it "anti-gay" and are "Absolutely Disgusted" by it tell me that the film got it right.


I wasn't expecting anything period when I began watching the film. All lesbian or gay couples are different so while the gay porn did surprise me I shrugged it off to the "everybody's different" factor.


I'm pretty sure that anyone who calls this liberal clap trap hasn't seen the film. However not having a clear message doesn't make a movie good. The film aimlessly wanders around until it gets to a point where it has nowhere to go, so it just ends.


I think Laser was really a poorly written and developed character. I looked up the writers, one female, one male. I had figured, maybe the female writer couldn't write for a young man in this day and age with two moms. To my surprise, the male writer also wrote, the girl next door, which had pretty good depiction of male characters.
In the end, Laser just ends up being a bad character. He disagrees with paul, then when his buddy tries to pee on a dogs head, he...agrees with paul?
Then after that he drops out of the movie like he wasn't there any more.
I think plenty of families can have trouble raising a son, they just did a really crappy job with the son in this movie.


No DD the film did not get it right. Seeing how your in a up roar over how people are reacting to this FILTH! The man gets blamed once again!


I think everyone takes different messages from them. I thought that it proves that gay marriage has the same problems a regular marriage can have and still survive and raise generally speaking good kids which is anything anyone can hope for.

On the other hand, my mother (who is kinda homophobic) sees that the "true nature" of Jules comes out and of course she is having a hard time being a lesbian, who would make that choice?

I thought it was shocking my mother could feel that way but after a few posts here I realize this movie hits everyone differently.

PS. My main language is not English, but I am trying. Please excuse my grammar.


Jules was clearly a bisexual trapped by a controlling and manipulative older lesbian, forced to live in a loveless "gay marriage" for years so that the other person could try to convince the world that they were normal.


by - Darkfalz1979 on Fri May 11 2012 18:01:45
Jules was clearly a bisexual trapped by a controlling and manipulative older lesbian, forced to live in a loveless "gay marriage" for years so that the other person could try to convince the world that they were normal.

Do people even know what the term bisexual means? Its an attraction to BOTH sexes. I do think that sexuality is more varied then a set of rigid categories.

I don't know why you think that Jules was in any being 'trapped' by this older lesbian. All this film shows is that gay famillies can have the same ups and downs as hetrosexual famillies.

Luisa -Life is like the surf, so give yourself away like the sea.


The movie showed that adolescent kids do dumb things and that sometimes it helps to hear advice from someone other than your parents. The things you called it out for were explained in the movie. The movie was just boring and stupid to begin with. The only reason it got any hype was because it had pretty well-known actors and was promoted as being lesbians raising a normal family.

